Tuesday, July 2, 2019

Sleepy Summer Mornings

Here are some pictures of this morning before the kids woke up.
I thought Daniel's little face looked perfect.
They are so cute and lovely when they're quiet and sleeping!
Owen and Natalie on our floor...
Wes fell asleep on the couch last night.
And of course there is also perfect Peter.
He's getting so big!! He's almost 6 months old! (sniff!)
I already miss my little baby, now I've got a big baby. So today Corey was getting interrupted working (I don't know why he works from home...) and he'd come out and see the kids not making the best use of their time, so he decided to run an errand to Scheels to get Owen's bike replaced (Ethan backed up over it with the car) and while he was there, he bought a ton of roller blade and roller hockey stuff. I'll need to get the pics off his phone, but today was the beginning of roller hockey for our family, if it does catch on and become a thing. We'll see. Roller hockey is part of our story for Corey and I, going back to 9th grade and high school, so it seems like an appropriate thing to get them into. Should be fun. They went over to the church to skate and I had a good sit down lunch ready for them when they came back - pita hummus sandwiches and grapefruit and nuts and etc, it was a sufficient variety and I think it was ok.

I've been feeling like our extreme numbers are gonna require extreme measures. Atleast during the summer. I was shaking my head as I thought about the huge overload of dishes this past weekend. And yes, Wesley did help make it bearable, but we need a new cue to help it so everyone doesn't just use dishes like crazy and so thoughtless-ly. Like there are so many cups and dishes on the counter and in the study. (Yes the study, so they are also ignoring the "no food out of the kitchen rule"). So I think we're going to get everyone their own bowl, cup, and plate, and they are in charge of washing all their own dishes. OR they can take a turn doing the family dishes 2 or 3 times a week. Sigh.

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