Monday, July 1, 2019

The Catch a Credit Card With Your Head Game

The highlight of today was everyone getting a good laugh thanks to Ethan. Melodie showed me an Instagram video of a dad doing this game with his kid (here the video is on youtube) and of course the kid prompty hit his head on the wall as he went for it. We showed it to Corey, and we all thought Ethan would go for this game, cause he wants money! Here we are as Corey tells Ethan the game:

A bit of a build up in anticipation, but he got the bonk on his head near the end there. Corey had a $10 gift card for Coldstone ice cream that he gave to Ethan cause he really appreciated the good laugh that Ethan had given him.

So, after that we thought the trick would be over, but Ethan is determined... there must be a way to win at this game! He is going to be prepared next time the opportunity to play the credit card game presents itself... He has Mel help him practice...
Over and over and over again - bonk. bonk. bonk, augh!! (Sorry to Peter who was sad in the background)

Ethan was going out on a date and finally gave up, and he had to put some cover up on his head to hide the big pink mark he had given himself. To quote Brian Regan and the "sun stare" game, Ethan said to himself "Yeah, I was about to stop... that's not a good activity..."
So that was a good laugh for all of us. Ethan is a fun kid. Here is a tired kid.
Daniel won't take naps, but he usually collapses from exhaustion if he sits still long enough, which usually happens when he eats. Which is why most of his naps this summer have been at the kitchen table or bar.
While Ethan was on his date, the rest of us went out and saw Toy Story 4 at the theater! Corey was going to buy the tickets online, but didn't want to pay the online fee, so we just went. And good thing too - cause tonight is family night! You can see any movie for $5.50! What a deal for us! That saved us a lot. It was so fun to watch that together, that was a good activity.

One more - when I was up cleaning the kitchen a bit at 1AM yesterday morning, to my surprise Wesley came out. He was awake and texting his cousin and was a little high with energy. He didn't look like he was going to be going to bed anytime soon, and since he seemed to have energy to spare, I asked "Do you want to clean the kitchen?" He said sure, I said yay, so I let him clean up there while I came to blog for a minute. I went to bed around 2 and he was still up. I found these notes on my shoes when I came down in the morning:
"I made the kitchen look clean and I finished at 4:00 AM" "I don't know how to work the dishwasher though" (I think the note on the right shoe was written first) Well my goodness Wes, look at you! You are like one of the shoemaker's elves!!
What an angel. And that is one of many reasons why Wes is an awesome kid.

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