Monday, August 26, 2019

A Toddler's Life

On Saturday, Owen was acting out the latest Disney movie that he's started to memorize. Should be pretty easy to guess what the movie is...

If you need a hint, Owen is a grasshopper and Lily is the Princess Ant. Sorry the title of the youtube video gives it away. Oh well, and yes, that's right, it's A Bugs Life. Here is Owen as Hopper frustrated with his brother Molt and about to pound him in the face.
Lily was a very helpful supporting actor, playing the parts of the Princess, the Queen, Molt, and the crazy grasshopper too. Daniel tried to be Flick and did a pretty good job being a submissive ant showing deference to the big grasshopper.
In other news, I'm using my blue planner again, only this week I made it pretty. Yesterday I got our my highlighters, markers, and post its - fun fun!
I'm going to make time for the things that are important to me. Holly told us to make sure we prioritize things that are important but not urgent. Like blogging here is not urgent, but it is very important to me. And it's probably also one of the few things that I do right now in my life that will make a difference and will be remembered in 5 or 10 years. Recording our family's history is important. It's not urgent, and so often our life and goals get swept away by the urgent fires that need to be put out each day, but I'm going to make sure I still get my priorities in. That's the goal and I'll track it to make sure I'm reaching my goals.
I'm ready to go and make it a good week!

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