Sunday, August 25, 2019

Off To BYU!!!

Today was a great day at church. We talked about unity and stuff, and one thing I'll just mention here was from a sacrament talk - a new member of our ward and a lovely lady named Stephani, shared a short story of how the parents of a family of 3 kids, to help their children get along, gave them each a chopstick to break. They broke it easily. Then they took 3 chopsticks together and tried to break that and they couldn't. So, it shows the strength of unity. When the kids needed a reminder to help each other out and be united, they'd shout out "Chopsticks!". Well I thought, heck... if that was our family, we'd be a freaking fistful of 12 chopsticks!!! If we are united and help each other out, we are going to be a mighty force to be reckoned with!! That was just one of the awesome things, there were more (Relief Society we talked about Sister Craven's Talk Careful vs. Casual) I'll try to blog that on my spiritual ramblings blog later. I've been neglecting that one, but I have lots of thoughts, just need to make time to record them. I won't be able to catch up on that blog, but will try to post more there going forward. Anyway... in other news...

Today Melodie headed off to her new life at BYU!!! School starts next week, but she went down early to participate in some conference up at Aspen Grove. At our late lunch/early dinner, we all went around the table and said something we love about Mel. She has been a pleasure to have around. We are excited for this next chapter in her life!!! Her check it was between 5-6. Corey took her down there tonight with Hyrum, Wesley, and Abi, and Valentina (a friend from Chile) who came up and spent the night up here with us. (She's here studying English, going to take the Tofel soon and will apply to BYU soon I think?) So, Corey just texted me these pictures (Ethan had my phone so I didn't take any) The van was full with all the loot Mel has collected over the past several weeks in preparation for this exciting moment. But there was room for some kids, but not me and my obligatory side kick (Peter) so I stayed home with them. But I'm sure we'll be able to go down and see Mel's new place soon. We "staying at home" people gave Mel hugs before she left.
I got the last hug, but we'll post that one first, cause I was wearing BYU blue, so it's an appropriate first picture for this post. Hugs all around! Well, a half hug from Ethan...
Silly teenager. Peter got sandwiched in the middle - he needs his own hug though, cause I'm sure Peter is who Melodie is going to miss the most!!!
A hug from Sophi...
A hug from Natalie...
Hug for Daniel...
I think Mel got a hug from Owen before Corey was around to snap the picture. But after sufficient goodbyes, they headed out. Just a short 40 min drive later, they were on campus!
This will be easy, she's not far away at all. Corey teased that we'll probably see her on Labor Day weekend (like in 5 days, ha) Aww, look, little "welcome" balloons!
The big kids were good helpers carrying her stuff to Mel's room.
I think they were a bit jealous of the fun Mel's going to have. Oh, at dinner we also each gave Mel a wish for the upcoming year. Abi's wish for Mel is that she doesn't get fat.
Mel helped out so much with dinner this past week, I'm gonna have to get on top of that. Well, that's about it... one last group hug?
Hyrum showed everyone which window was his room from EFY. He misses EFY. :(
Bye Mel!!! Good luck!! Miss you already!!! (See you Friday?) haha :D

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