Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Big and Little Brothers

Today I just thought I'd post some very similar but still slightly different photos of everyone's favorite - PETER!
I couldn't decide which one was the best, so you get to see all of them.
And I know his hand is moving and thus blurry in that one above, but he was laughing! So it was an adorable smile, so I still had to post it. So cute, huh.

It was a good day. I arranged for a maid to come today, and I arranged it all by myself. Iveth isn't able to help us anymore, and that is a bummer for me cause I was comfortable with her and we love her and I love the help, but I can't blame her. She said she's just really busy, and I bet she is cause she's really good at getting involved with things. Anyway, even if she wasn't busy, I wouldn't blame her if she just didn't want to come. I wouldn't want to be away from my kids, even if it was just one at home. Still, I have missed having someone here helping me clean. So, there is another neighbor who works sometimes that was recommended. She was here from 10-noon. It was fine, not sure if I'll have her again though. I tried to tell her several times I'd like someone every week but she didn't seem eager to have a regular schedule set up, so whatever, I guess I'll text her when I'm really desperate. Right after she left I put the boys down for a nap, and so it was clean when kids got home. Here is a funny picture of Daniel with Wesley after school. Daniel wanted Wes to lay on his lap, and then he checked if his eye were closed by poking them shut.
and Wesley tried not to laugh...
Poke... poke.  
Are you asleep?
Good. And then Daniel would rub Wes' tummy.
Here's a picture of E snuggling Peter, Eth got him to sleep.
Too bad I had to move him and bring him into my room. Ethan offered to keep him, but babies need their mommies during the night. Atleast this one does cause I feed on demand, and cause I don't trust how conscious Ethan would be if he were woken up at 2am, just based on what I know it's like trying to get him up in the morning after a full nights rest.

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