Thursday, August 29, 2019

Trumpet Lesson

Today I'm leaving for Colorado for the weekend for my nieces' wedding. I'm going with my parents and brother and sister and sister's hubby. We're representing the Hibbert Sibling clan, Matt's representing the in-laws, and Peter is reppin' the cousins. I haven't packed yet, and I need to, but if you're like me, you start to not think clearly right before a trip... and I just start wanting to grab everything thinking I might use it. And I'm being weird and thinking I should take my violin, as if I'll be able to skype a lesson to Sophi ad Natalie after school? Yeah, probably won't happen. Ok fine I'll leave it. It will probably be a tight fit in the van anyway. I prob just want to bring it cause I had a good lesson with myself this morning. And Owen heard me practicing and he went to get his trumpet so he could practice, what a good boy.
Owen! You're so good at trumpet!
Then Daniel was interested....
So Owen showed him how it was done and gave him a lesson on the couch.
"Ok, you're turn!" It is so funny how they're so little that they can hold the end of trumpet with their.
It was really cute to watch. Also after the 1 minute mark where Daniel shows such embarrassment/disappointment with himself as he puts his head in his hand and shakes his head, haha, so cute. He does it two more times before and after the 2 minute mark

And now I better go pack! I need to be at my mom's at 1.

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