Monday, August 5, 2019

Car Fixed

I just thought I'd give a shout out to myself, cause today I took the van in to the service station! It's been having some weird shaking that the steering wheel does when it's going down hills, which happens whenever we go anywhere since we live up on the ridge. Anyway, it was also starting to shake whenever I braked on level areas like the freeway, so I was getting nervous. Corey couldn't take it in, and I felt like my time to do it is limited since kids will be in school soon, so no better time than today! I was there for 3 hours, but they fixed it and it was less than $300 which I was very happy with, I had no idea what the problem was but I had mentally prepared for $600.
So I spent 3 hours at Burt Brothers listening to Dr. Phil and other stupid television and I was super happy afterwards, feeling empowered that I got the car fixed by myself (well, I didn't fix it, I just sat there, ha) and very happy that it wasn't as expensive as I thought, yay! I did it!! Go me.

And one other thing from today was tonight we played Pictionary with the teenagers. So it wasn't AP Pictionary, and I didn't get any pictures, but it was funny - Wes and Ethan were a team cause they bonded after High Adventure and wanted to be a team, they played against Hyrum and Mel. Mel and Hyrum kept rolling 1s and Eth and Wes were rolling 6s and they were totally in sinc with their drawing and were able to guess it each time, Mel and Hyrum were struggling. I came half way through and tried to help Mel and Hyrum's team, but I was no help. They totally smoked us. Eth was being a little ruthless in his gloating though. So after that game, we played again. Hyrum didn't want to, Mel and Eth didn't want to be on the same team, so I went with Ethan and Mel with Wes. This time Ethan and I kept rolling the 1s and it was funny cause Ethan was dying of frustration and kept trying to hurry and pick up the 1 to roll again, but I'd stop him "That was a 1 again!! Lol!" Noooo... I left to feed Peter and Corey finished the game with Ethan. I think we need to play games more often, these kids need to learn how to handle losing and not let it define them. It was funny.

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