Tuesday, August 6, 2019

Little Feet

Peter is doing so good at sitting up, it's so cute. What a sweet little guy
He can push over his cube and roll it around. And I like this toy cause there are no smaller pieces to pick up. 
I love his littlefeet!
What else - Abi made a new lego palace. They are busy with legos, enjoying free time to explore and be creative before school starts on the 19th.
I also was grateful to still have kids at home while I ran an errand today - we had an inspections and emissions renewal come in the mail, but I thought it was for Corey's car. But then I saw today it was for the van. Had I noticed that yesterday, I could have taken care of that when I got the tires fixed and TPMS light turned off. But no biggie - I loaded my side kick Peter into the car and went down to Burt Brothers. It was a pleasant experience once again, I was in and out in 20 minutes, easy peasy!

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