Thursday, August 22, 2019


A few moments from today. I took Ethan to his sax lesson in Orem, cause he's lost his driving privileges. I took Owen, Daniel and Peter to Chic Fil A while we waited. Fast food. I need to be prepared next time with a better alternative.
They are good little boys. Owen practiced his trumpet this evening after we were home, go Owen! That's two days in a row!
He's a little Angel Moroni! Good posture!
And tonight Wesley had his first night of practicing with Encore - a performing group at Clayton Productions. It goes from 7-10:30 PM - that's a lot of committed kids. I got a peek of him in the door - he's in the black... He looked like he was struggling.
Afterwards he told me he felt pretty out of place in that group because of how short he is. And cause most all the kids have been in the younger performing groups, so they knew a lot of the basic moves and lifts and Wes doesn't. But he's been in ballroom all last year and he's a dancing machine, I have no doubt that he'll be able to catch up quickly. But some of them are really really tall, and also in 8th grade!! Tall boys and girls. Younger, but taller... oh the injustice. So tragic. I knew about Clayton Productions through my little brother, so while I waited for Wes to finish, I looked through all the year and years of group photos on the wall to try and find my baby brother, and I found him!! Young Grant - this is like from 2000
And high school senior Grant, I'm guessing 2004. He's taller than all of us (see the last photos), but still "the baby" of my parent's family.

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