Friday, August 23, 2019

Outing Experiment

Today I did a little trial run experiment. I decided to see how I'd do taking the little boys out on my own, without Abi or any big kids to help me out. I thought I'd see if it is something I want to try and do during this school year. If it went good, then I'd know I can plant little activities like this throughout my month. If it went badly, then when I got home, I could spend a little recovery "no toddler time" by letting Mel watch them. I gotta take advantage of her while she's still home for three more days. So, since the kids have been playing with the Little People, Owen and Daniel took their respective dinosaurs and we went to the Dinosaur Museum. First we go stand by the great ancestor of Owen's orange T-rex -
Then over to the wall by a brontosaurus for Daniel - get excited!
They were super cute and good the whole time, pointing out the different animals to each other.
And since it was during the school day, we pretty much had the place to ourselves.
"Wook at dis!! Wook Owen! Wook, DINOSAUR!"
At the water table. That seems to always be the destiny to reach.
And where the kids all congregate. Daniel found another brontosaurus.
It was good, we were in and out pretty quick. I did take Peter, but I held him most of the time. It was 2 hours total time including driving. A little bit of ice cream was enough to bribe them to finish up. If our outings are short and sweet like this, then I shouldn't get burnt out. So we'll see. Back at home, they played Little People some more. 
Peter is Godzilla, about to terrorize the city.
And then I went to the temple for initiatories, yay!
That is something else that I'd like to do every Friday. I love being in the temple, and seeing the lovely flowers on the temple grounds is good food for the soul as well. It was a good day.

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