Monday, August 19, 2019

First Day of School 2019

It was back to reality for everyone today. Last year we had 3 different "first day"s, but this year, today was the day for all of us. I didn't get a picture of the older kids leaving for high school or Abi for Jr. High, but here are the elementary girls.
Bye!!! Love you! Have a good day!!
So I "just" have 3 kids at home now. Well, Melodie is home with me this week, but she's heading down to BYU on Sunday for school. That will be exciting for her. She and I went to Costco with the little boys and grabbed some things for her and us. After school on Mondays, our new schedule includes me picking up Sophi and Natalie straight from school to go to violin. Their teacher is so good. I get inspired about how to be a mother from watching her teach.
(And I had a quick lesson too! I'm going to work on my tone this week) So that is going to be fun. I'm really going to have to push the kids for them to all get in the habit of practicing music as soon as they get home, but that is the plan.

For dinner tonight we had a neighborhood BBQ for the "neighborhood watch" - a nice potluck of side dishes were served, and the Sandy police came.
Lily enjoyed being under arrest in the back of the car...
...and all the kids got sticky and greasy fingerprints all over his nicely washed car, that was mostly the only thing I could focus on as the crowd of children pressed upon him.
His name was Officer Colton I think. Nice guy, looked like Chris Pratt. So, it was a good Monday and a good first day of school! I've planned out the day with Holly Rigsby's coaching. We have a "Productivity Challenge" going on now, and I'm using my academic Walmart Planner ready and open along with my tried and true blue planner. I didn't use them much in 2018, but I've got a stack of 100 of them for me to use now! And I'm ready! It was a great day, it's going to be a great week!

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