Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Me and the Boys

It's day 2 of school. But it's day 1 of the dreaded early morning jazz band life. Hyrum and Wes have to wake up early and go with Ethan, although we've told them they are free to try to find another way to school. But right now their only way from us with by going with Ethan.
There are three other drivers that go to Skyline in the neighborhood, but they all just turned 16 and haven't had their licenses long enough to give people a ride that are not their immediate family. So... Hyrum and Wes are stuck going early with Ethan. So sad. 

It was another day at home with me and the boys (and Mel). Mel was doing her own thing getting ready for college. I got a text this morning from a neighbor inviting a bunch of us stay-at-home moms with kids to come swimming at her in-laws house. I decided to take her up on it. To my surprise, Owen did not want to get in. I said we were going swimming, and I think he was disappointed to find that I was NOT talking about Cowabunga Bay or Park City. So he stood next to me in protest most of the time, although I did throw him in the pool twice. Here he is wet after the 2nd throw. 
Daniel loved it. 
Good job Daniel!!
 So while Daniel swam, I took Owen and Peter over to the playset. Peter is so cute!
He liked the swing!!!
And Owen was content to play with the trucks in the sandbox.
Then after school it was: violin and music practice, I played dtrain with Owen and Daniel, kids did homework, I wrote Joseph a letter again (that is 3 weeks in a row that I've written him good letters! I kinda fell off the writing wagon since we've been able to talk with him, but I have repented of my negligence. He enjoys getting the letters, so it's good. And I did great at planning again for day 2 - checking in with myself on how I'm spending my time. I'm exercising and cleaning and reading and doing pretty good all around so far! I'm valuing my time like I did as a missionary. Go me

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