Friday, August 2, 2019


Well, Peter is still not feeling well. I did some cleaning today and when I came back to Peter in his supersaucer, I saw this -
I laughed and cringed and shrieked "Gross Peter!" I feel like I need to take back what I said yesterday about Peter being the cutest thing ever. I texted this pic to his adoring sister and to Corey, and seeint it on there right next to the puppy filter picture made me laugh at the contrast. They both thought what I thought: Ewww! Other than that, kids here at home are doing well. I'm enjoying the clean carpets!! Oh I wish they could stay this clean. I've kept the kids upstairs playing with toys, Owen is happy with his birthday Mack toy.
Enjoying a nice quiet day at home before everyone comes back tomorrow! I've set up shoe bins in the garage with plans to institute a stricter "no shoes on the carpet" policy.

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