Thursday, August 1, 2019


I'm mostly hanging at home this week with the little boys while Corey is up at Park City with the rest of the kids, which right now is just 4 kids (AbiLilySophiNatalie). Hyrum came home yesterday around noon and Mel came last night, so they have both been here today. They are going to go back up to Park City later tonight. I had thought that they would be here again tonight and tomorrow morning and so I could try to go do a temple session. But since they were going to leave, I asked Mel if she'd babysit again while I went to the temple again. She had already watched the kids this morning while I did a trial run of initiatories. (A trial run of leaving my baby without me for 2 hours.) He did great this morning, so Mel said yes and so I went again. Hyrum was finishing some online summer homework, so he did that, Mel watched the kids, and I did a session. I left at 3:40 and was back a little after 6. Kinda long, but Mel said Peter was great. They took picture on her phone while I was gone. This one of Peter is the cutest thing ever!!
I could die. Owen makes a cute puppy too...
And as a bunny!
This filter had both Owen and Daniel a little confused...

And Daniel liked the funny mouth one
But really, that puppy dog filter was made for Peter. Silly pictures, they thought it was fun. I'll have to dink around instagram some more. I've been pretty late to the Instagram game and I don't think I'll ever really get into it. I wouldn't be there at all if it weren't for my teens and that I have to go there to try and find photos they take so I can blog them.

So it was nice to finally go to the temple again. It was first time this year. Actually I take that back... I went in January when I was still pregnant, cause I remember playing the pregnancy card twice to skip in front of the long line waiting for the session. But still, I haven't been since Peter was born, so it's been over 6 months, so it was nice to go today! Melodie has been coming and going because of a flute forum this week, so she brought Hyrum down from Park City yesterday and he's been home with me, and then Mel came home last night too. I woke up Mel this morning to keep an ear on the little boys while I went. I took pictures of the pretty flowers after I was done, I love temple flowers!
And so I've been catching up a little bit on computer work and, since there aren't a lot of feet running around here, I thought it would be a good time to get the carpets cleaned! I called Jon at Aspen Cleaning yesterday and he got me in today, yay. It is the same guy as last year when we were in cleaning prep before Joseph left. I highly recommend him, he works hard and quickly and I think he is very reasonably priced too. And this is not a sponsored post, I just think he does a great job. I'm also a Rotovac believer, and I think the price is great, so there ya go, that's my recommendation.
It is soo nice to have clean carpets! I'm instituting a new no shoe policy, we'll see how long the clean carpets last. All the furniture from the front living room is in the kitchen. This morning after Hyrum got up, he sat on the couch eating an apple... "I'm not eating out of the kitchen..." ha. Mel said she likes the furniture in the kitchen too, it makes for a comfy place to eat.

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