Thursday, August 15, 2019

Some Last of Summer To-Do's

We're down to the "school is starting soon" wire. I spent the day getting some tasks done. Abi had an orthodontist appointment today - and she gets her braces off on her next visit!!! (We love Dr. Dave!)
Wow, has it already been a year and a half since she got them on?!? Man, these kids just keep growing. She's not wearing her glasses cause they got kinda bent outta shape a week ago when Mel stepped on them or something, so Abi has been walking around without them. And it looks to me like she has red frizzy hair in that picture. She's like not a kid anymore or something. Starting Jr. High next week, man. I had my last orthodontist appointment this week too on Tuesday. While I waited I read an awesome story in LDS living about a couple who escaped North Korea and found the Church of Jesus Christ in South Korea, such an AMAZING STORY!!! I love knowing about and being a part of the Savior's great latter day work!!
I stole their magazine on Tuesday (when I was at my appointment) so that I could share it with Corey and then I brought it back today. On our way to the orthodontist, we stopped by my parent's house briefly, where Ethan was hard at work. Yesterday he wanted to pick up his SBO sweater so bad, but he didn't have the money for it. We paid the first half of it in the spring and he has to pay the 2nd half of it. He knew all summer that this was an upcoming expense so... we didn't think we should totally bail him out, so I had my mom do it. Ha. So she offered to give him enough work to pay it off, but he had to go work today and tomorrow. He was hoping it would be office work and he could soak his recently operated on toe while he wrote deposits. But no, it was yard work. She said "Good news is that you can choose whichever hat and gloves you want!" To which he replied "...YIPPIE..." So he wasn't prepared for yard work, so I brought him some socks and shoes when Abi and I went to the orthodontist. Doesn't he look happy? I reminded him that he said he'd do "anything" to get his sweater "today"
Good kid. After Abi and I got home today, Hyrum helped me fix the flat tire, cause Corey took the van to work, and Eth was going to be leaving with the Fiesta, and I wanted a car. So I tried fixing the flat we got on Monday. I tried doing it by myself but those bolts would not budge. I was struggling until Hyrum came for moral support, and then he gave more than moral support and got his hands dirty with me.
Good kid. After that I figured we better get the tire fixed, Corey said they were under warranty, so I drove it to Firestone. Corey met me there and stayed to get it fixed. When it was done, he headed home and then took Hyrum out to get his license. So we have another driver. Driver 1 was Joseph.  Driver 2 - Mel (Sorry, Corey took her to the DMV so I'll have to go digging for pictures Corey took - they all just send up on I never documented your license day, but she still didn't have it in May but got it sometime before June was over...)  Driver 3 - Ethan.  And now Driver 4 - Hyrum! He studied for drivers Ed, he passed the test and got his permit, he completed the 40 hours, he parallel parked, he smiled for the camera, and walked out with his license.
He even smiled for his parents' camera this time (unlike his "smile" for me when he got his permit). Sad part of this is how pricey it's going to be to have TWO teenage boys driving, yikes. I'm gonna pretend I don't care how much our car insurance is going to be now. (!!$!). So Corey took Hyrum to the DMV. The little girls enjoyed a free day and played with friends. They came home from her house with goodies - two new backpacks (cause she got a new one, even though these two "old" ones are like in perfect condition) and some of her old costumes that don't fit her. Abi helps Sophi transform into Cleopatra.
Everyone's enjoying these last few carefree days! Reality is coming up soon! And here's one more pic of a cute kid. We love Peter!!

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