Wednesday, August 7, 2019

Thanksgiving Point

Today we went to Thanksgiving Point to go to the Dinosaur Museum, but instead we did it all! We went to the Museum of Curiosity, then we went to the farm, and then we went to the Dinosaur Museum! And then we went out for ice cream. It was fun, and I'm glad to have a helper like Abi along. I didn't do a great job this summer of doing daily activities like I had planned, so I'm gonna try to shove in a few more things before the summer is over. Today's outing was brought upon me by my trying to think of something to distract Owen with so that he would willingly let Corey leave for work.
"Owen, do you want to go to the Dinosaur Musuem?" "Oh yeah! Bye Dad!" So then Corey could leave, and then we had to leave too. First I made the kids clean up a little bit, and then we were on our way. At the Curiosity Museum they were able to pet a snake.
Natalie thought that was freaky
Then they ran around doing whatever, but Owen didn't like it, he wanted to go to the dinosaur museum.
He was happy and distracted a little bit by a video game that was projected from the ceiling...
But he still wanted to leave. That was my first time going to that museum. I guess it's geared more toward the older kids. They liked it, but the toddlers weren't happy, so we left. We decided to try and see if Owen would be happy if we went to the farm. He'd never been there before. They liked seeing the animals and petting the bunny
Little tiny baby rabbits!!! So cute. No we're not getting one as a pet.
Owen still wanted to go to the dinosaur museum. But then we went to the pony ride... Daniel got on and I walked around with him while Abi held Peter.
After seeing that, Owen said yes, he would like to ride the horsey.
And then he did! Our timid little Owen rode the pony! Good job Owen!! Then everyone went on a ride again. Natalie -
Sophi - her horse started to go to the bathroom...
And then she didn't like her horse much, haha. Oh give the poor horse a break.
Owen riding a pony again.
After riding the ponies and seeing the other captive animals, we went over to the dinosaur museum. I've taken enough pictures of that before, so no pics of that this time. As we were leaving though, I took some pictures of a Monarch butterfly display, so cool... Everything you want to know about monarchs...
"Eastern North American monarchs spend the summer months in southern Canada and the northern US but cannon survive the cold winters. Each autumn they migrate south. Westen North American monarchs journey to costal California while those from eastern North America migrate to mountains in central Mexico." I won't type any more of the display, you can find it all online I'm sure.
But I do want to see the "Flight of the Butterflies" documentary they have showing there. But I don't want to pay $6 bucks for each kid. Maybe I'll turn it into a date night.  Friday at 6:30, I'm putting it on my calendar. Then we took some Pride Rock Lion King pictures outside.
Peter is Simba, Sophi and Lily were the animals
That's a cute little lion cub! We love Peter
They finally agreed to go and accept my nice cream bribe, which I put up there early to try and wrap this outing up...
Not that I don't love spending time with my kiddos!  but 3 attractions was enough for me to be done and ready to head home.
It was a quick dish of cashew ice cream from Aubergine and then a big slice of pizza at SLAB Pizza
I went over to order the pizza while they waited for the nice cream, then I came back and helped my crew move over to the pizza place, which was a bit less crowded.
And then we were done, hooray for a successful kind of end of summer outing. Time to gear up for the school year, less than 2 weeks it's back to reality.

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