Monday, September 30, 2019

Funtopia FHE

Tonight we ALL went out together for a Family Activity! That has not happened for a while. Usually it's just Corey and some kids, or just me and some kids. But tonight we all went, even the busy teenagers! And it was so fun. We went to Funtopia in Lehi. I didn't climb, I just held and nursed Peter. But I loved seeing the kids all help each other! Hooray for family activities! Here's Abi helping Sophi, Wes helping Owen...
Some bonding and helping each other, and some teasing and playing - the especially like making all the hand and footholds disappear on this one wall, as demonstrated in the video below. Big brothers teasing their sisters.

Here's Wes about to do the jump - will he be able to hold on?
I can't remember if he stuck the hold or not. Below is Sophi, proud of herself for reaching the top.
Hyrum helping Owen.
Owen climbing the rope ladder. The harness threw off the normal sense of his weight with gravity, so he kinda couldn't figure it out at the beginning.
He and Daniel preferred to run up and down the warped wall with their harnesses on.
Daniel's was sliding down off his hips, tripped him up a few times. He did really good climbing though. At the end I helped him climb up a wall that had letters spelling "Fun Wall" and he got all the way past the "a"!
It was a really fun activity together, hooray for the Get Out Pass. Peter was a perfect baby at the activity. He's been so snuggly since he was sick two weeks ago.
Wes talked to Peter in the car. "Peter! Blink if you love me!" and then Peter blinked twice! He really loves you Wes.  Here he is snuggling Wes.
We all feel so special when Peter lays his head on our shoulders. His "head hugs" are heaven!

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