Tuesday, October 1, 2019

Lifehack: Fruit Fly Trap

So, a few years ago, my BFF Nicole told me about this little trick for getting rid of fruit flies: apple cider vinegar + dishsoap = fruit fly trap.
It works. And I am grateful it does. So usually, with that little trap trick, we are able to quickly got rid of the fruit flies in our house. I like to think they all hijack their way in here from the bananas we bring from the store, and that the problem begins somewhere else. So, this year, we have just not be able to get rid of them! And I've checked around for any rotten food hiding anywhere - like sometimes I'll find an apple core in a garbage in the study and there will be a group of them living over there. That garbage or sometimes a garbage in the basement too, which are trash cans that I don't empty every day, unlike the kitchen or bathroom garbages. So I've been trying to find out where the problem is. And they've been in the broom pantry a lot, and I've put a vinegar trap in there, and the one by the sink too, but they are still around! In the pantry there is sometimes a bad potato but they don't like potatoes. ANYWAY, I've been trying to find where they are coming from and how I can get rid of these little buggers for weeks... like is there a open can of tomato sauce?? Open and rotting jelly??? No, no... but today, I finally found it. I didn't take a picture, but I did scream. Abi was helping me clean the kitchen and we were talking about all the stupid fruit flies, and I was once again looking in the pantry behind the potatoes, and then, I saw it... and I knew. I found a little small cooler. And I was like "That's it, I bet someone left their lunch in there!!!!" And we took it straight outside in the back yard, and I opened it for evidence, and Abi and I screamed. There were two sandwiches that looked somewhat normal and still in their ziplock bags (but we didn't look that close so there could have been mold underneath) BUT on top of the sandwhiches, there were two VERY rotten and brown juicy bananas and rotten juice all over the bottom of the cooler and a ton of little fruit fly larvae and flies and we screamed and closed it and I picked it up and that whole little sucker was going straight to the trash. Tomorrow is garbage day and the garbage bins were out in the street, and I took it out there and shut it in. I was not going to try to clean it out or recycle it or nothing, it's gone. It was nasty. Sorry, Mother Earth, to send a probably still usable small cooler to the landfill, but we just didn't have it in us to salvage that and let all those flies escape here in our neighborhood. It was a shocking moment that I think both Abi and I will remember, as well as Corey who was in his office with the window open and saw and heard us scream in disgusted horror. So there is our fruit fly story, and I think now the trap will really work since we've eliminated the fruit fly nest. It was nasty. Then Abi continued being my maid and we finished cleaning the kitchen together. The end.

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