Friday, September 13, 2019

He's Crawling!

Look who is getting mobile!
Peter can crawl!

So cute.
I love this little boy so much. I am so grateful that we have him in our life!!!! Where would this little soul be if we had decided to "stop" at 11? or 7? or whatever number? "Let the children come." - President Spencer W. Kimball. I'm so grateful we found that counsel very early on in our marriage.
I never want to forget Peter's lovely eyes looking up at me as he nursed. (Do you like my paint editing there? I'm a professional photo shopper, haha.) When he is looking up at me, totally trusting and dependent, I've thought of the Savior in the Garden of Gethsemane. During the last moments of his life, maybe a little face like that was"the joy that was set before him" as it says in Hebrew 12:2 - that maybe helped Christ be determined to endure his suffering. I imagine Peter looking at me when I was about to face a moment of suffering and dying so that he might live. I would suffer for his life, I would do it to save him. Christ loves us and he suffered and died to save us. Not just one beautiful baby though, there are billions of us, his brothers and sisters that he loves so much and that were so dependent on Him completing his mission. I am grateful Christ has saved me and each member of my family. Because of Christ, I can be with them forever. So there's a little spiritual tangent, but that's just what I often think of when I look into Peter's intense gaze and as I stroke his hair. I love him, and I'm grateful that he will be my son forever thanks to my Savior and covenants I've made with Heavenly Father in the holy temple. Christ is real, God is real, our covenants with him are real, and eternity is real.

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