Saturday, September 14, 2019

Sophia's Baptism Day

Today was a very special day for this little girl.
Today Sophia was baptized a member of the Church of Jesus Christ. Corey baptized her - here they are pre-Corey's jumpsuit.  
And with Corey dressed and ready for the font.
Me, Sophi, and Corey.
My phone camera was a bit blurry. I'm almost thinking of switching to an iphone, since Ethan always lets me know how much better their camera quality is. And cause that's one of the things I use my phone for the most. It was a nice baptism. Abi and I gave talks. I shared a little message from Joseph in mine (at the end of this post on his mission blog). Hyrum and Wes gave prayers, the grandpa's were the witnesses for the baptism. My mom, sister, and Mel provided the music for us. We are grateful to be and to have family that are members of the church of Jesus Christ. All of our kids that are 8 and older have been baptized (only 2 are documented here on the blog - Abi's and Lily's. I know I took pictures of all of them. I should find a way to document those before the photos are lost forever and/or forgotten...) Sophi looked so sweet. You gotta love 8 year olds.
She is holding a little keepsake box that they gave her - everyone wrote a message for Sophi or their testimony for Sophi to keep to remember this day). It was a nice simple service. So Sophi's baptism was the highlight of the day. And other than that, with the 3rd week of school under our belts, my body clock is pretty much set to waking up at 5:30. This morning I woke up at 5:09, and so I went to the temple! And I did a session! Good job me.
There was a lovely full harvest moon behind the temple. And the land that I love had it's banner waving in the wind. It looked really cool. This picture doesn't capture that, obviously, but it does help me remember the moment. The sun was up and shining when I was finished. On my way out the flowers wished me to have a good day.
You have a good day too, pretty flowers!
I stopped by Walmart on my way home to get some Epsom salts for Ethan's toe, hoping it heals this time. And I also got some refreshments for guests after Sophi's baptism (soy yogurt, bananas, and frozen berries). When I got home, my next priority was to upload a photo and get it printed, which I haven't done in YEARS. I printed this picture that I took of Sophi yesterday so that we could put it on the little table at her baptism.  
She liked that one better because you couldn't see her teeth. I liked the one at the start of this blog post, but I realized after it was printed up in a 8x10 that you could see the spaghetti sauce that was on her face after dinner, oops! Mel came up for the baptism. But she slept in and was too late for the bus, so my sister Beka was nice and went to pick her up. They were the last ones to arrive, and as they came hustling into the church with their dresses and back packs, I thought they looked like sister missionaries!!
Mel will make a great missionary. She's planning on serving next summer, but we'll see if she gets married first while she's at BYU, ha. The kids were cute during the baptism. 
Mel and Beka did a very  nice musical number.
They played "He Sent His Son"
I hope I can always remember the big and excited smile that was on Sophi's face as she came up out of the water. I hope she never forgets the happiness the gospel brings. She is such a good girl. Another one of my babies is all grown up!!

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