Saturday, September 21, 2019

Homecoming Halftime

Tonight was the Homecoming Dance for our high school kids. It was Hyrum's first date, fun! Here are their pictures: Hyrum and Jayda - (waiting for that to be emailed to me)

Hyrum had an ACT Prep class today, so he was busy from 8:30 - 3:30. I was a little stressed from shopping with 4 kids at 2 stores and then going to go find him downtown, but he didn't have a phone, and the elevators locked up, so I was able to get in it with my 4 kids in tow, but then couldn't go up, so I had to go down to the parking garage and then walk around and back up to Level 1, again with my baby in a carrier and 3 toddlers walking with me, I was a little irritated and frustrated. Anyway, found him, got him home, and he hurried and got ready for his date.

Ethan and Katherine
Ethan was gone all day with doing stuff to set up at the school (part of his job as an sbo), then a day activity (I think) then getting ready and dressed, pictures, dinner, then the dance, where he was set to rap with the band and play along with his sax for a few numbers. Melodie came up for homecoming today too, cause her roommate was playing in the band that Ethan arranged. I think Mel just came for fun, she didn't play her flute with them. I hope they had fun. Last night, the homecoming weekend didn't start off that great. After the game, when Ethan came home he was telling us about it and had us laughing as he shared with us that things had not gone according to plan. After a full day at school, Ethan had to head down to Crescent, but he also had to set up for Eaglefest before the game. Luckily he has two willing younger brothers and they stayed in his behalf to set up while he went to Crescent. But then after a 20 minute drive, the Soundhouse called and said Ethan was ok to miss, so then he turned around and headed back to Skyline. I hear Eaglefest was fun, and then it was the Homecoming Game. Ethan was really excited for that because he is in a guy dance group at school called "The Lingeries". The girls have a drill team called the La Niches" so this is the guy version of it but named after women's undergarments for some reason. Mostly they are just having fun and being silly, but they do try to dance and if they do a good move they get big applause. They performed for the Hello day assembly, but only the freshman go to the assemblies "cause they can't drive and leave" like the rest of the older and cooler student do. So there was a homecoming assembly today, but none of Ethan's friends were there, just the freshmen. (Wes said the Lingeres did a good job). Ethan's friends who hadn't seen the performance told Eth to not worry, they'd be at the game to see how awesome it was. Ethan had talked it up to all of us and to his friends, it was gonna be epic. The lingeries have had rehearsals this past week and they have some girls from the dance team help them with choreography. So, last night they were set to perform at half time. They were the first act. When the moment came, they were filled with excitement as they walked onto the field. They all did their best Saturday Night Fever disco pose and then waited for the music to start. Here we go!!! And they waited. And they waited....patience, any second... Then they started to wonder... "Where's the music?"  Their fingers were getting cold, so a few of them put their fingers down. Soon panic set in and "What is going on? What do we do?" They soon learned that no one gave the music to the person in the booth in charge of the speaker. Ethan said there was a voice speaking down to them from the press box, like the voice of God in the sky, asking "Do you guys have the music?" Some of the guys ran off the field to try to fix things, the Lingeries huddled in a group, it's ok, we got this. Five long minutes pass... still no music. Again the voice came and questioned "Well do you guys just want to dance or what?" They were encouraged by the crowd to just dance anyway, so they did, but without music, And it was just "cringy" was the word Ethan used to describe it. They finished, then they ran off the field in shame. Ethan pulled his hoodie closed over his head to hide himself and they tried to disappear into the crowd. Some quotes from our conversation last night as Ethan told the story to us - "I was literally tearing up..." Such a deceptive high as they strided onto the field, such a low shame as they ran off in humiliation. Corey tried to comfort him "Well, it's hard to dance without music..." Ethan replied "It's hard for us to dance with music!! We literally ruined the entire halftime!" They took so long trying to fix it that there wasn't time for any of the other dancers to do their prepared numbers. Then Corey said "Hmm. Well, if we had done a reality tv show, that would have been a really good episode..." Wes chimed in "It was hard to watch..."  (← and that comment came from a low standards freshman!! Think of what all of the seniors are saying!!) Oh the horror. Ethan continued to think and relive the experience as he stood and shook his head, staring off into the distance... "Such confidence when we walked on..." I was laughing hard. We promised him it will make a good memory. Corey told him to write it down, but I said I'd take care of it here, ha. Another comment from Ethan: "We danced like no one was watching. But everyone WAS watching." Followed by "I had a lot of hugs tonight..." as people tried to console him. He said the Lingeries are over, none of "the bois" want to dance again. They are retiring. They failed. Ethan said "We're supposed to inspire people! That was our chance." We'll see if they can overcome this, cause the Lingeries were one of the highlights of the school assemblies back when I was at Skyline. They were funny. We'll see if they are able to recover and to once again bring laughter to their fellow students.

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