Friday, September 20, 2019

Minor Reunion

Tonight my mom and dad treated Corey and I to a night out. My mom called me last month to see if we'd be available on Sep 20 to go to a Thomas Minor Society reunion event, which would include a dinner out followed by a night a the symphony. Hey, we are not ones to pass up a night at the symphony! Plus it was a concert of "The Music of John Williams" so ya know it would be really good. And then I found out today that dinner was going to be at the Roof!! Sweet!! The bad news was that, with Peter being sick this past week, I didn't think I should leave him. Plus it would just be with Abi here at home babysitting, cause Joseph and Mel don't live here anymore, and Ethan, Hyrum, and Wes are all busy at school tonight for the homecoming game. So, I asked my mom's advice. She said Peter would be okay to take to dinner, and we'd just have to figure out how to juggle him at the symphony, where no "babes in arms" are allowed. So, Abi was good at home with "just" 5 kids to watch, easy peasy. And we left with Peter. Dinner was great.
Good company too with my mom and dad, sister Beka, aunts and uncles and some cousins who were there, plus other people from out of town. My mom is a Minor but with the "Miner" spelling, her mom was a Miner. My oldest cousin on that side of the family, Mary Lynn, was in charge of arranging the reunion this year, which is why it was hosted here in Salt Lake. Peter very much enjoyed the chocolate mousse. I was glad that he has gotten his appetite back.
Cute little messy face.
After dinner, we went over to Abravanel Hall. Corey went in and I stayed out to nurse Peter. But there wasn't a good place to sit with him, so I walked over to the Church History Museum, where I knew there was a nursing room.
(Plus I wanted to see the 11th International Art Exibit!!) My favorite from what I saw tonight was "Crystal Apple and Fig Leaves" - just gorgeous. That was the last one I tried to look at before Peter was too fussy, so took a quick picture so I could share it with Corey.
loved being there!!! The fruit of the church and of it's faithful members is so good! I didn't have time to see everything or to look at the works I liked for very long, so I took lots of pictures and have plans to come back next Friday for that date night. The one that surprised me the most, of the ones I saw tonight, was "Meditation", just so cool. Plus I always love all of Rose Datoc Dall's art, Living Waters was no exception. Oh to be able to capture scripture stories like she does! I also thought "The Plan of Salvation" was amazing. So cool, can't wait to go back.

I was back at Abravanel hall before intermission started. I watched some of the concert from the lobby where they had a big tv. When intermission began, Corey came out and I went in for a little bit of the second half. I left after the Harry Potter song cause when I texted Corey to see how my Peter was doing, he texted back "screaming". So I left, Peter needs me. But the 20 minutes I saw of the concert was sufficient to blow me away. Seriously, the violin playing in that Harry Potter number!!! Just wow. It was a great evening. I'm so glad that Corey and I make time for date night, even when we spend half of it apart like tonight, it still fills my cup.

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