Sunday, September 8, 2019

Lumberjack Peter

Peter wore plaid to church today. When we got home we put a little knit hat on him, and I laughed that he looked like a little lumberjack. I think that is what I will have him be for Halloween! With the green suspenders that Daniel wore for our family pictures in 20018 and this plaid shirt that Daniel also wore during family pictures in 2017. Oh Peter, you are so beautiful!!!
He is sooo close to crawling. He is working on it more than I've ever seen any of our other babies practice. But it hasn't clicked quite yet, I think he has all the pieces, it's just figuring out how they piece together. You've almost got it Peter!!
Oh he's such a happy baby too. He is just perfect. Peter Perfect.
I started reading the book "Carried" today by Michelle Schmidt. Michelle and Jon Schmidt are coming to give a fireside at our Stake Center in a few weeks. Their fireside is titled "Trust in the Lord" - and they're going to be talking about their experience when their daughter Annie went missing. So I ordered this book to read in preparation. I knew I'd love it, and I do. 
I'm over half way done, I'll probably finish it tomorrow. What an amazing example she and Jon are of faith and seeking the Lord in their life!!! I love it. I want to follow their example. I also could really relate to their financial struggles with Jon's career as a musician. Our financial struggles are hard for different reasons, but again, I could relate and I loved how they handled it. Good stuff. 

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