Monday, September 23, 2019

Some Violin Stuff

I've had a bit of violin on the brain this weekend. It started with going to the symphony on Friday night for the John Williams concert and hearing the Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Suite and being blown away by how freaking fast those violins are going at the beginning of the song. Not that I know hardly anything about playing the violin yet, but from what I do know and understand about it... wow.

And so after that, on Saturday I spent time watching probably too much of a new youtube channel I like - Two Set Violin. Kinda nerdy funny. I liked these two about them sharing a very very bad violin acting portrayal in a movie, and this one acting portrayal that they said was really good. I'm not a musician yet, but I might be ready to be an aspiring orchestra geek since I'm find this interesting. Here's another one of them reacting to celebrities playing instruments. I enjoyed that one too, and I'm learning a little bit about what all the little things that go into playing.

At our lessons today, Natalie went first. I went in for a little bit, and Sophi took selfies on my phone.
I didn't take any photos today, so thank you to Sophi for providing some pics for today's post. She took 33 pictures.
Once we are at the violin lessons, I usually start to have lots of questions I want to ask Amy. Most of it is stuff I'm sure I could find out online, but I don't think of it until I'm there with her. So after Natalie and Sophi, I had a quick 5 minute lesson, which is okay cause I do so much more practicing than the girls at home that that is all the instruction I need. So I played a little bit of Long Long Ago and got a few pointers about getting deeper into the strings. I saved my questions until I got home and googled rosin things tonight. I found this video helpful. And I want to learn how to properly clean/maintenance my violin. So, it was a good violin day, but now I've wasted too much time on youtube and it's past midnight. I'll never been this good (Two Set imitating and trying to guess famous violinists), and probably shouldn't try. I've never heard of any of those violinist. but I liked watching that video. Brett and Eddy are funny and I liked Ray Chen's reactions too. I liked the comment that that was a video of what band nerds do in their free time, ha. My goal with violin is to keep up with Sophi and Natalie and to ultimately maybe be able to play a song at church sometime in the next 10 years.

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