Tuesday, September 24, 2019

High School PTC

Corey is in San Francisco for the week. And this week is Parent Teacher Conferences. So that means I get to do ALL of them. Yippie skippie. Usually Corey takes care of the high school and jr. high crew, and I take care of elementary kids with toddlers in tow. So I really have to have my act together.  I left at 3:30 with Wes to drop him off at Clayton Productions (he joined their performing group "Celebrate" last month, every Tuesday 4-7) So I dropped him off, ran by Des 1st to write a check to pay off the Hyundai, yay, to Walmart for a quick return, then to Skyline. I got the midterm report cards... I underlined the teachers I needed to see, which was any class which wasn't an A/A-/B+. There were 11 of those between my 3 kids. Priority was Hyrum's D-, luckily that was just a teacher's fault with "I didn't update it before the midterms were printed" and Hyrum has a solid A in that class (Computer programming). Gave me hope for the rest of the low grades I saw (C-, two Fs!) I took Peter with me and he kept me smitten and entertained doing his baby yoga on the gym floor -
He got lots of loving glances from adoring adults. He's so cute. And as for the conferences, it's all good - luckily there is nothing that can't be turned around. Even the 2 F's (<>) were from missing assignments that there are, thankfully, no late penalties on. So he can turn those in and get full credit and thus will be working on catching up with all that Spanish and AP Human Geography stuff over this 3 day weekend. Peter was excellent, I didn't even stop to nurse him at all, but kept the cheerios coming. And he was about tired of it when it was time to be done, so that worked out perfectly. Back to the car to go pick up Wesley, that worked out pretty good. Yay Peter, we're going home!
Oh he's beautiful. I took a picture of Corey and I in the "Class of '94" group photos in the band hallway - I'm kinda easy to spot...
Corey is a little harder when you're looking at the whole group photo, but I made it easy for you with him centered here.
I didn't make it to Abi's today, and I don't think I'll make the effort to go out tomorrow, not worth the drive and time for me as a single mom this week. I told her that since 6th grade doesn't count on her high school transcript, I was going to put her conferences as my last priority. "Just learn how to learn, you've got three years to figure out how to play the game and get 4.0s. It's totally doable!" I've got Elementary girls tomorrow, so yeah, I probably won't get to Abi's and that's ok. I'm focused on survival this week via simple meals, cleaning the house, and making sure homework gets done and music gets practiced.

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