Thursday, September 26, 2019


Yay, today is Friday!! No, it's Thursday, but we'll call it Friday because it's the last day of school this week! I'm glad to have a 3 day weekend, cause that means a little more personal time in the a.m. tomorrow. And tonight Corey gets back from California, so I've survived the week. As for today, I did good and went on a walk this morning. There was a beautiful crescent moon rising, and I love watching the sky light up.
I'm going to use this mountain skyline someday for a painting. Something like this, but without the lady. After my walk, the morning routine continued - woke up kids, dished up oatmeal, and started "Twinkle Rhythms". I decided to jump in and play, doing violin practice as the girls got ready for school. I started Perpetual Motion!! I'm pretty excited cause I can almost do it. And Owen practiced his trumpet, good job little guy!
He is doing great! The raising of our older kids is half way done or almost finished, but we're still starting fresh with these younger kids. If they can learn/think that they want to practice, well that's probably one of the biggest hurdles in getting kids to play. So Owen, you keep practicing and this will be a lot easier! I hope Sophi and Natalie are inspired by how much they see me practicing. Peter, what instrument are you going to play? Oh he's so cute.
He was doing his sideways head look as he ate raisin bread. We'll see if he cooperates and lets me get stuff done today. We gotta clean the house since Corey's coming home, so I'm gonna go get crackin'.

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