Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Elementary PTCs

Today's Parent Teacher Conferences weren't as good as yesterday's. I'm basing this opinion mostly on the fact that yesterday I was finished and still had a smile on my face and energy to face the evening. And after today's conferences, I was in a foul disposition. I think the main reason for that was these two little boys...
Yes, my two Buzz Lightyear boys. I asked Lily to take a picture. That smile wasn't a happy smile, It was a "suck it up!" smile. I carried them into the school because they didn't have shoes. They didn't have shoes on cause I wasn't planning on taking them. I had been on a video call with Joseph, therefore I was almost running late cause I wasn't focused on the task at hand. I silently motioned to Hyrum and told him to watch O&D as I snuck out the door and attempted to leave with the girls. But these boys and their supersonic hearing alerted them that the car was starting and they were not in it. So they ran to the garage in a panic both screaming for me "WAIT!!!!" Darn it, caught. So I just took them. Ugh. They did pretty good inside the school...
Playing with toys during Natalie's conference, the first one. Here is Natalie's self portrait:
I love first grader spelling: kacpac = cupcakes, frens = friends, plang = playing
 As usual, I scheduled the conferences one right after another - Natalie at 5, Sophi 5:15, Lily 5:30. 15 minutes really isn't enough time to get into a game. They played for a minute then - time to go! Play for 10 minutes then - time to go! On the last room, Lily's conference, Daniel was interrupting and fussing, he wanted a candy from the teacher's jar. I tried to just hush him until we were done, then when it was over I scooped him up and hustled him out. THEN the girls wanted to go to the book fair. Go ahead. But we're not buying anything today. Go ahead and go in, write down what you want, and maybe we can get it for Christmas. I'll be waiting in the car with the little boys. I carried Peter out on one hip and Daniel (who was still freaking out) on the other. Poor Owen had to walk barefoot across the asphalt. Into the car, I sit in the back to nurse Peter, and I sent a quick voice message to Corey, vowing to never take the toddlers with me to a conference again. Plus Abi wanted to come too, to see her old teacher... sigh. Really? Seven of us are going to Parent teacher conferences? Ugh. But I did it, go me, I'm alive, kids are all alive, and Corey is coming home tomorrow night. I've survived, now we just need to get the house clean and organized before he arrives.

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