Monday, September 2, 2019

Xela's Wedding

I went to my niece's wedding over the weekend. Peter came with me. It was the second wedding for the Hibbert side of the family. Kelsey and Jared were the first wedding in December of last year. So wedding #2 for the Hibberts - Saturday 31 August 2019 - Xela and Trevor got married!
They were sealed together "for all eternity" in the Fort Collins Temple in Colorado. Yay!
Xela was one of the first grandkids with our first kid (Joseph) so we made sure he was weirded out in our last phone call by letting him know "Xela is getting married this weekend!!!" Yeah, he thought it is crazy, and I had the thought at the wedding that one of our kids has a good chance of being the next wedding! Now that is pretty crazy to think. So here's how it went - on Friday my little brother picked me up and we headed to my parents house. It was good to have him there to stop me from being crazy in my last minute packing (aka he said I should not bring the violin or yoga mat... I knew I was starting to get nonsensical just grabbing stuff. I didn't use most of the stuff I brought, like the swimsuits, computer, and didn't read my books much) So we piled into a 7 passenger van and headed out at 2:30 - Mom and Dad, Beka and Matt, Neil, Peter, and me. There was a big accident at the Utah/Wyoming border that added an hour to the trip. It was a long drive. Peter was pretty good, but I did get him out of his carseat a few times to nurse while we drove. 
Dad drove the first 4 hours, Mom finished the drive out. We arrived in Fort Collins around 11pm.
Neil and I shared a room. We went straight to bed, well after watching Odd1sOut video about the Dark Crystal, so funny.

So... next morning - Neil and I went down for breakfast at 8 am, then we all took a nap to prep ourselves to not be sleepy for our all night drive back home. We woke up at 11 am, got dressed and ready for the temple, and headed out at noon.
Peter liked Matt's beard.
Peter wasn't sure about my dad and kept a watchful eye on him...
Peter got dressed in his fancy clothes for the wedding. He was a hit.
Everyone wanted Peter, but Uncle Eric got first dibs.
Xela and Trevor took some pictures around on the grounds, then with wedding certificate in hand they headed in!!
We had time to kill, so we took some pictures, looked at flowers...
I think this is a little photo of heaven, cause I'm hoping that heaven is full of babies and flowers!
I put some of the photos of the flowers on my "glorious earth" blog.
Then we went inside to feed Peter and we just chilled in the waiting room.
The sealing was 30 min late because the wedding party before us was late (the groom was stuck in traffic!) Xela's siblings watched Peter during the sealing. Soon it was their turn. They both said yes, and soon greeted us as a newly married couple!
Then we headed to Castle Rock for the wedding reception celebration at the pavilion of Trevor's parents' LDS chapel.
They exchanged rings there in front of family and friends.
And then we did some dancing and enjoyed some treats. I took pictures of everything in case I need ideas in the next few years, not that I couldn't use pintrest... I went inside the church to feed Peter a few times. We sent off the newlyweds with sparklers and bubbles and then we left for home around 10 pm. Neil drove the whole way! I was going to take a shift, but instead I kept Peter locked on me most of the night or I held him to keep him quiet. We stopped for an hour at Little America so that Neil and Mom could close their eyes for a few. I was so uncomfortable though. I slept a little bit, I dreamt we were stopped at Little America, go figure. I finally stopped trying to keep Peter asleep at 4:30 so that he'd cry and wake everyone up and we could get going again and get home. And he did cry and we did leave. Around 6 am Neil asked how everyone was doing. "This SUCKS..." I said. Haha, I felt like the ungrateful kid... "Yeah, I recognize that you've been awake and driving this whole time and that you are tired, but man, I just can't get comfortable enough to sleep back here!" Peter seemed a bit tired too, trying to wake up... "I think it's morning, cause it's light outside, but I don't know that I ever really went to bed last night... where are we?" 

I loved how he was blinking at my dad, so adorable. We got to my parents' house at 7:30, I found a monarch egg on their neighbors milkweed while I waited for Corey to come get me, home to get kids up and ready, then we went to church. Busy weekend, I'm glad we have a day off today so I can continue to recover. I didn't nap too much yesterday but today I slept in until 9. Back to reality again tomorrow

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