Saturday, October 5, 2019

Conference Weekend

It is General Conference this weekend. We love Conference weekend. The fall Conference weekend is especially fun, cause that is the one where the girls get to go downtown.
My pretty girls.
This is a Hibbert tradition that my dad started. When it was just my mom and dad, before any kids, he said that he liked to go downtown for the Priesthood session, so he did and he always has. He liked it once his sons were able to join him, and also when his grandsons were old enough to go too! And I just realized I've never blogged any pictures of them down there for priesthood, although I know Corey has taken photos. Unfortunately, they are all just lost in some digital file somewhere, except photo 5 in this post was one that Corey sent me during a priesthood session trip. So I used to be slightly bothered that the boys would all be gone for so long when they would have been home sooner if they just watched it from the local church or on TV, but now I'm glad that it is a tradition that the boys look forward to, especially because now it's a tradition for the girls too!
Yes, last year was the first Women's session during the Saturday evening of General Conference. It used to be that Women's broadcast was the week before General Conference both in April and October, so it's sad to only have it once a year, but it's fun to have it as part of the Saturday night conference. So, the girls are all excited that we get to go downtown and go out to eat after, grandmas treat! Thanks Mom!
Mel took the bus from BYU and met us downtown, and then she's spending tonight and tomorrow night with us. Corey is taking her back Monday when he goes down for his annual Dr. Dyer presentation. (or is it semi-annual?) Heading back to the cars after dinner - fun crossing the street with the orange safety flags.
So that was fun. Today General Conference looked like this at home:
Kids listening, some taking notes, I got some thoughts and impressions jotted down. One thing I did want to hear was how to improve my connection with God when I pray, something that has been on my mind since Jon Schmidt mentioned feeling connected a few weeks ago at the fireside. And I thought it was so coo - in the first session - two talks spoke about it, and even used the exact word CONNECTION! Elder Stephen Owen and Sister Michelle Craig. Just another testimony to me that God is willing to lead us as we search for answers, I always find answers to my questions during General Conference. I love having prophets and apostles to lead and guide us. I know it's true. I know it, I live it, I love it!

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