Friday, October 4, 2019

Show and Tell, Bee, and Car

Last week at Parent Teacher Conferences, Sophi asked her teacher about me bringing Peter to school for Sophi to show for Show & Tell. I told Ms. Walker that Friday could work (since Abi would be home and I wouldn't have to bring the toddlers) so we planned for this week on Friday/today. I had my alarm set, I was ready to go, Abi got home, and I snuck out with Peter to the garage. Owen and Daniel had both been up super early and boy were they at each other fighting all day. And they were cranky, I was NOT going to take them. Out to the garage I tip-toe'd when doh! The van wasn't there! I forgot that Corey had taken it! He took the van to work because his car has been at the shop and is most likely dead. More on that in a minute. So, shoot, I didn't want to go back inside and give the toddlers a whif of any "someone is about to leave the house" scent, so I just headed straight out the side garage door. I didn't have a blanket for Peter, but again I couldn't go back in lest I attract the little boys, so I gave Peter my jacket, and I took off speed walking in my flip flops. I left at 1:30, I told Ms. Walker I'd be there at 1:40, I made it to school a little later than planned, but it was okay cause they were all just coming in from lunch and recess. School was almost out for short day, but we had enough time for Sophi to show her baby brother to the class.
My favorite part was when Sophi asked if she could pass Peter around. No, that's a funny thought, but no, we're not going to pass him around the room. It was short and sweet, and then I took Peter outside to see if maybe I'd be able to get a ride home on the bus. But Iveth was there waiting to pick up Diego and she offered to give me a ride home, which was very nice. We don't see her and her family much anymore! They are busy with work and school and English and lots of stuff. So that's sad, we miss them, but it was nice to see her there. She said Peter is getting so big! He is, but I know it's especially noticeable to people who don't see him everyday. When I got home, I saw that Owen and Daniel were finally not fighting!
Hallelujah, they are asleep. Ah, silence. A moment of peace. Tonight Corey and I went out to India House, one of our favorite restaurants. It is rarely crowded, we're always seated right away, it's close to home (so I could leave Peter, yay) and always delicious. When we got home, Wes had a been holding Peter the whole time, Peter loves Wes. And Wes took me into the kid bathroom to show me something funny that happened with Ethan before E left to hangout with friends. He had been doing his hair, when he called for Wes to come help him -  bring tape! Ethan had apparently found a big killer bee.
I had seen it earlier. It was just a bee, but it sobered up Ethan quick. Get tape. No time for paper or for rational thinking (like to get a paper to slide under and move the bug outside. No - just tape it to the mirror. We'll have to deal with this monster later. E had to hurry and leave, but I think they spent more time securing the cup to the mirror than they would have spent had they just slid a paper under it and released it out Owen and Daniel's bedroom window, which is what I did (which took 10 seconds) Silly teenagers. Sometimes they don't have a lick of sense, but it makes for good laughs for the rest of us.
So, about Corey's car... It is most likely dead. It was out of oil. We aren't positive how it happened, but it was making bad sounds according to Hyrum when he took it  so Corey took it in, and they said there was no oil and the engine needs to be replaced. Corey had an oil change in May, so it should have had oil. It's just been sitting at Burt Brothers for the past 3+ weeks while we figure out what we want to do. When Corey found out there was no oil, we asked E if he noticed anything when he took the car (without permission) up to Logan to see his "friend" when I was gone at Xela's wedding and Corey was in Park City for a night (he booked a week for our friend Rafael to use with his family, his brother Henrique was getting married in St. George and they were coming up and needed a place to stay) Anyway, so E took the car, if it had run out of oil then that long drive probably did it in. Corey does remember probably scratching the underneath on a parking divider between the stalls when he was down at BYU to help with mock interviews on Aug 27th. When Corey was leaving, he didn't think there was a divider and so he drove forward, then heard it scratch, then stopped an backed up to get off of it, and that was it. He now thinks he probably should have taken it in, but he didn't think about it until we found out there was no oil, then he thought maybe that was where something happened. But nothing to do about it now. So our options are to sell it for scrap, like we did with the van, (but to do that we first will need to pay it off (we refinanced it to buy Mel a flute years ago)) So that will be a couple thousand (6K) OR we can spend more than it is worth to try and fix it. So that kinda sucks that that happened. Oh well, I hope it provides a good way for us to exercise our faith in God and trust that he is aware of us and our needs.

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