Friday, October 18, 2019

Home with Peter

I'm home with Peter. He's such a good baby. He's happy most all of the time (just not when he's sick.)
Did we tell you that he has another tooth? Two teeth on the bottom, there you can see one of them.
So I've been here with this little side kick of mine. I cleaned, Peter crawled, I blogged while he nursed, and that's been about it. I cleaned the master drain again (Win #4), I also put a lock on the teenager boys' room. They've wanted a lock to keep the toddlers out, so I think they'll be pleased when they see that when they get home from Park City tomorrow. I also spent today trying to figure out what we'll do for health insurance coverage. Corey is closing up Movie Mouth, not sure if I've mentioned that yet. So the group plan that we were still on with that is over and we need to find personal coverage. I've been calling a broker to help us, and I hope it works out. He's calling me again tomorrow to explain some stuff to me cause I looked it over but it's confusing.

Earlier today I put out a flyer (via the Hibberts in Utah polo group) that I had baby for rent, and my sister Bek took me up on it. But she wasn't going to be able to come until after 8. He went to bed at 6:30 and I thought he was maybe down for the night since he really hadn't taken a good nap all day, but nope, he was awake 30 minutes later ready to play. I got this cute video of him climbing the stairs for the first time!

So, I said he was still available if she wanted to come and get him. Shortly after that (8:45) Beka was here to steal him away, She brought him back at 10:30. With my blessed hour and a half alone, I went for a walk in the cold outside and then I took a bath by myself, which was a novelty I have not experienced for a while. He's been asleep since Bek brought him back. And now I'm going to wrap this up. I am almost all caught up on blogging for the second time this year! Yay. Goodnight.

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