Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Down The Street

I have been trying to follow and take action on the promptings I received during this past General Conference (and last Conference too) to simplify and declutter my life. I feel like I am serving these items and they are not serving us very well lately, so time to get rid of them. They are a distraction from the important things I want to do everyday. I have a lot more to go through, but am trying to make progress in that direction each day. Yesterday before going to Costco, I loaded up the van with things to donate. I put Peter on the grass on a blanket while I worked. Owen and Daniel followed me outside and got on their bikes to ride around. They were soon out of sight. As a family we often walk up to the gate that leads to Iveth's house, and I guess that has given them new confidence to go farther from our yard than I would like. They rode all the way up the street and I watched them to see what they would do, and thankfully they turned around and headed back home.
I could hear them laughing with delight as they rode down the street.
Owen laughed that Daniel was chasing him, and Daniel was laughing too. It was super cute. Last year Daniel was able to drive the wiggle car and his legs were a perfect length, but now he's getting bigger and his legs are just slightly longer, so it makes his toes scrape after he pushes off. So I was glad when he rode with his feet up -
And I winced each time I saw his toes dragging. Owen got major holes in the toes of his shoes last year, and I fear now it's Daniel's turn. But I don't want holes! Cause I like those shoes! I wanted them to last for Peter! I'll try to veer Daniel toward the shoes I don't like if they go out side to play, cause Daniel isn't picky about what he wears, unlike Owen.
Owen is getting better, but for the 3rd year of his life, he would have to warm up to a new shirt or new pair of shoes just by looking at them a few days before he'd consider wearing them. Anyway, so it was fun watching them playing nicely! It was like Woody riding a horse and Buzz following in his spaceship. Can you tell that Daniel is proudly laughing at the good game they've discovered -
You are looking pretty cool guys! 
Read to go do it again? OK, go!
They did it a few times, it was fun to be able to hear them coming down the street, such anticipation!

We live on a good street for toddlers to ride down. It's a perfect slope for bikes, scooters and even mattresses! It's not to steep, not busy, and I will pray that there are no backing up accidents, that would be so horrible if something like that happened. We have had more that a few neighbors tell us they are concerned with how fast Ethan drives down the street and how fast he pulls out. After the first two comments, we told E if it happened again, he'd lose his keys. We didn't hear any complaints for a few months until the neighborhood big band party, where our neighbors across the street shared their concerns. We told Ethan later at home, and he turned in his keys. He asked if there was a way to earn them back. "Yes, go apologize to the neighbors and tell them that it won't happen again." He shrank from such an assignment, but I told him I'd go with him. He winced "I don't like confrontation!" but it's part of growing up. So we went over and I let Ethan hold Peter as a baby shield and the grandma hugged E and shared her concerns and now it's all good.

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