Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Takin' It Easy

We've just been taking it easy so far this week. I snuggled with this little guy most of the day yesterday as we watched and listened and sang to the Greatest Showman several times. Just chillin' and singing.
I am so happy he is feeling better. So I'm happy about that, but it's almost time to face the fact that the house is starting to really show that I was gone. ...and that I have yet to kick it in gear since returning. So, yeah, I need to start working again. Owen and Daniel have been playing cowboy today - here they are ready to rope up Peter who is their little calf.
Get away from the cowboys! Run Peter!
We talked to Joseph today. He encouraged me during the call, and also in the his email, to do better at studying Come Follow Me. And as I attempted right after we were done talking. And, I was quickly foiled by the small children crawling across my book, bumping my pen that I was trying to write inspiration down with, asking for food, etc etc.
I know the ideal and what I want to do... how do I make it a reality in my messy life? I need to pray for inspiration on how to do this...
I probably need to get up earlier.
So that's what's going on here. Tonight Corey, Wes, and Abi went rock climbing outside for a youth activity.

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