Thursday, October 24, 2019

We've Got A Problem

Today I'm getting to work, cause I'm tired of living like this.
I don't have Iveth here to help me, but the fact that she was able to do a clean sweep of this whole basement area lets me know I can do this. Sure, it took her 4 uninterrupted hours, but it's possible. 4 uninterrupted hours might translate to my life as 4 days. The real thing I need is to detach myself from the stories in my head about all theses things. I can turn this around. But, I tell myself, we can't just keep turning this around today, I want to turn it around for good and stop living with a mess! We need to end this cycle of "it's clean (breath of fresh air) it's a wreck (I can't breath)". I want this to be the last time I need to rescue the basement from us. And it does need to be rescued from us. Once upon a time a younger Abi offered a solution: "Let's just move to a different house..." lol. The house is not the problem, sweetie. It's the people that live IN the house! It's US!! 

I've been reading Peter Walsh's "It's All Too Much". I have a certain vision for this space, and it is more like the open space of the Crosswood House's open basement or Brazil than what we currently have. So today is day 1 of a Sugar Free Me" challenge with the EJC. I'm saying NO to sugar and YES to organizing my home. And I was doing great until a neighbor texted that she had dropped off some cookies for us - one of my temptations - homemade chocolate chip cookies. doh.
I tried to give all of them to Owen, Daniel, and Peter, but I still ate more than I should have. I'll have to start the sugar free challenge over.

Today Abi had her flute lesson. Usually Hyrum takes her for me. They are just 30 minutes long, so there's not really a chance to run errands or anything in that short of a time, so I usually wait in the car. I've tried a few times to go to the store, but then have been late picking her up. Those few times I told her before hand that I probably would be late and we had a plan for where to meet. She only recently got a phone so that takes care of that problem, but still I usually don't try. I'm grateful when Hyrum takes her to her lesson for me. Today though I decided to take her since Wesley was willing to watch Peter for me. Daniel saw me leaving so I let him come. He hadn't had a nap and fell asleep right away. After we got there, I got in the back so he could rest on my shoulder and I could try to do computer work (go over $, blog, etc)
My cute little D
With these few minutes I caught up a little bit on the blog, and I like not being months behind on it like I have been most of the past few years. Along with the basement, I know that being "behind on the blog" is another thing that I am always saying. I'm gonna take care of that too. I want to start to be in control of myself and my life, home, blog, etc - living the life I envision. I know all the opposition is good for me though.

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