Saturday, October 12, 2019

Violin Solo Concert

Tonight Sophi and Natalie had a Solo Concert. This is the first one I've gone to, as I've been busy with a baby.
Sophi has had, I think, two recitals before, but only one of them has made the blog, which was the November recital last year. I made sure Corey sent me his pictures of that one after he got home and showed me Lily's drawing on the recital program, which was quite funny. And look, Sophi wore the same dress then that Natalie wore tonight. For the performance this evening, Natalie played E String Concerto, and Sophi did Song of the Wind with very nice choppy bows.

Here's two more pictures of them rehearsing yesterday with the pianist.
Natalie was cute with how excited she was about how good it sounded with the piano.
My sister Beka came to the concert tonight as well as Corey's parents. I was so impressed with all the students. Afterwards, as we enjoyed refreshments, I asked this one girl, who looked like she was maybe 12, how long she has been playing, and she said 3 years. I want to keep practicing so that I can be that good in 3 years! My main goal is just to keep up with my kids, I'm doing good at that right now. I'm actually a little ahead of Sophi cause I practice more. Usually as soon as we start, Sophi will ask me if we're done. I would like to practice more, but I still feel pleased with how much I've learned in 3 months. My other goal is to finish Suzuki book 1. After I do, Corey's brother Mark said that his son and violist Seth and I should have a joint recital. I'm not sure if I'd do a recital, but Miss Amy did say it would be a good experience to perform, so maybe. For now I'm trying to play a number for my family via Marco Polo. I am on Allegretto right now. There is so much to learn about technique and stuff, but little by little I know I can improve each week!

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