Friday, October 11, 2019

You're So Cute!

Daniel is a funny kid.
But this is a story of him telling me that I'm funny. Last week (Oct 2nd) I watched as Daniel poured ricemilk on his own cereal. He was very careful.
And I was so pleased that after he poured it, and before he started eating it, he put the lid back on! I told him he was so smart to put the lid on! We're gonna start over with Daniel and see if we can properly teach him to clean up after himself, unlike his 10 older siblings. No, just 8 of them. Joseph and Mel know how to clean up now that they aren't living with us anymore! So Daniel enjoyed his cereal, as you can see by his tummy rub.

 I stopped the video, and told him again what a good boy he was to put the lid back on, then he looked at me and pointed his finger at me and said "Mom, you're so cute!" But he said "cute" like "chute" and it was hilarious. I tried to get him to say it again. 
I should have taken a video, but I didn't get his "you're so cute" on camera, but then he did it again this past Wednesday - He wanted a bottle of ricemilk, and I couldn't find one, not that I looked hard. He's not careful with his bottles, he just throws them (so much for teaching him to clean up after himself and be tidy?) So I'm not gonna help him when he just abuses my cleaning efforts like that. And he's getting too old for a bottle anyway, so I didn't try to help him find it. But after about 20 minutes I did find one in my apron, haha. Do I have memory loss? How come I didn't remember it in there? So then I said in a very excited and silly voice "I found it!!!" and he said "Mom, you're so funny!" I threw back my head and laughed and asked him to do it again on camera. He obliged, then he did it again, and again, and two "You're so cute"s. I got a video of it and Marco Polo'd it to my siblings. HE is so funny!

He's a delightful little boy. Well, most of the time. He's got a fun personality, we'l say that. He is cute, weird, and a stinker too. So I guess he's a normal 3 year old. But he and Owen were fighting today and Daniel scratched Owen's neck pretty good. They've kinda been fighting a lot about really stupid things, like Owen will ask me to do something, but Daniel will want me to do something else, and then they just yell at each other back and forth about what I'm going to do or not do. We need to figure out how to help everyone not raise their voices around here. So they were fighting over this bin too, but then they smiled for the camera and stopped fighting - turns out they both wanted the same thing: for Peter to be in the bin/boat.
Sometimes they just need to stop yelling and listen. It would also help if they improved their English speaking skills. Owen also keeps getting real knives from the kitchen. Like cutting knives, not just the butter knives pictured above. "My mom let's me play with knives!" So we have moved those.

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