Friday, November 8, 2019

Bit by Bit

My little friends and I have been doing a good job working in the basement this week.
They contribute by keeping busy playing, and I have been cleaning out stuff. I moved six of these bins of legos to the garage. We can rotate them in. We still have 4 like this inside, which you'd think should be enough to keep them busy, right
So that's "all" the legos I'm allowing inside right now, only 345,000, and if they can't find the specific lego piece they need, they can exchange one bin in for another one to look through. I hope this system works.

I still nurse Peter and can't do much in the basement while he's attached, so that's the only obstacle to overcome. Peter is a great nurser. I guess my only complaint about Peter could be that he nurses too well. I don't think I've ever nursed this long - he's almost 10 months. But I won't complain and will continue to enjoy it just in case he is our last.
I did my thrift store donation yesterday and filled up my Costco boxes to donate, as planned after I brought home 5 boxes last week. Yay, I think we'll do that every week - for each box that comes in the house, a box goes out!

Natalie has a tooth that has been super loose and hanging on for dear life - and it finally came out - before photo:
After pic via her artistic talent:
You can tell which one is Natalie via the lost teeth there, haha. I thought that was super cute. That picture is for her "Frende" Emma, who has a birthday party tomorrow. Natalie is super excited.
We had a nice date night tonight, to our favorite place India House. Tomorrow should be a busy day again with errands (need to buy a b-day present), a birthday, and Hale Center Theater tickets. So only 3 things on the to-do list, and I'm sure lots will come up, so should be a busy day. I put up lists of tasks for the kids to do to help us out.
We're calling it a Kid Cleaning Contest.
The lists are there to greet them in the morning.
We'll see how it works and who plays along.

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