Saturday, November 9, 2019

Another Full Saturday

Another weekend is here, and it was another busy Saturday. We tried to get the kids ready to help us today through holding the first weekly "Kid Cleaning contest". I had a lapse in thinking last night when I came up with the bright bad idea to get candy as the rewards/prizes for kids that played along. You'd think after Halloween just over a week ago, my loathing for candy would be fresh on my mind, but no. So now that has backfired on me, because only Abi and Natalie participated and so they both got treats, but now I've got this container of too muck junk tempting me. And I wish sugar didn't work so well as a reward, I don't want to feed that dragon anymore. But more bad news, I'm slightly frustrated, which makes me less in control of myself and I'm feeding my pain body with sugar now. Most of the kids didn't join in much, so that's ok, but blah- scratch this contest idea. We're probably too busy and in too many places to have a competition against each other. We'll try something else again to get the kids to help. Ethan and Wes didn't participate cause they were gone yard work for my mom and dad. And Hyrum had a YMAD thing, and Abi was going to go help my mom too, but didn't really want to, so then she ended up coming with me. Hyrum took the kid's car, so I took the van to drop off E and W, I loaded up the rest of the kids to come on errands with me (not my favorite to run errands with kids, but Corey needed to get work done).

I slept in instead of going to the temple. Around 8 I got dressed for the temple, hoping I might still be able to make it, but I couldn't make my escape. So instead, I ran errands in my dress and with kids tagging along. First to Dollar tree for the candy prizes. Abi stayed in the car with the kids for that one. Then over to Walmart to get some food, the bday present for Natalie's friends, and stuff for Joseph's package next week. I got home and finally took a bath.

At 3:30, Corey left with Abi, Lily and Sophi to Hale Theater.
Natalie usually goes to those performances with her sisters, but she had the birthday part, so I took her and Corey took the other car to the theater. We got a call today that the snowblower is fixed, so I was going to go pick that up while I killed time waiting for Natalie to be done, but plans changed after dropping her off. Owen and Daniel were a little sad that they were not able to go into the Living Planet Aquarium with her, so I said we could go to the Dinosaur Museum. When I left to take Natalie, I wasn't planning or prepared to spend a few hours out with kids, but it went well. I didn't have a diaper bag or blanket, but no one needed a diaper change and I was able to use a jacket of Corey's that was left in the car as my blanket while I nursed Peter.
I LOVE Peter's little legs! So cute. I didn't have any big kid's as backup to help me, but Owen and Daniel were very good and cute. My little Woody and Buzz friends.
Making friends with the baby dinosaur.
Daniel's turn
I think they wanted to go to the water and sand table area, but they took a wrong turn in the museum. I knew it when they made the wrong turn, but didn't correct them cause we didn't really have time for it anyway. What we did turned out just right - it was just enough time that we were able to leave and pick up Natalie at 5:30. And we walked in and up to the Tiki room. The Aquarium closes at 6, so Owen and Daniel were able to play for 30 minutes for free, haha. I wasn't planning on that happening, but they took off for the slide once we were in the room. I just let them run around with Natalie.

I got home in time to practice violin for a little bit. Abi practicing the flute, she's getting really good!
It's probably all by ear, but hey, ya gotta start somewhere. At 7:30 tonight, as I played violin, I had the thought "temple!" I looked at the clock - I just barely had time to make it, so I told Corey I was going, and then I left! Way to be assertive Tiff! I just did initiatories, but it was good and I was glad to go! After I got home, Corey asked Ethan to go bowling with him, for some father and son bonding. Ethan is a little sad, Ella kinda dumped him. He was trying to water the flower of their relationship, but she isn't helping and it's starting to wither. So that's where they are right now, and that was today. Phew.

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