Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Long Holiday Weekend

There was no school today - yay the Holiday break is here! I actually thought the kids all had school Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday, so this was a nice surprise when I found out Wednesday was off. Mel is home for the break and she kept Peter snuggled and loved today -
Corey and the kids headed up to Park City tonight and the plan is that they will ski tomorrow and then be back in time for our Thanksgiving Meal here with my parents and sister and bro in law. I hope they don't get stuck up there in the snow! It's supposed to snow more tomorrow. Right now it's all melting and there are a TON of pine needles
Evergreen also means Ever-falling. We have autumn with the pine trees every season, plus lots of pollen in the spring. Looks so ugly right now, so hopefully it will snow. Or all melt so I can go rake. Raking in the winter = everfalling trees. What else... Here's the link to Joseph's email this week
We sure love that kid. And so, yeah. I haven't done too much food prep to get ready for tomorrow. I'm just in charge of mashed potatoes, stuffing, and sweet potato souffle, so it should be pretty easy. I've mostly done a lot of violin practicing today. I've learned Minuet 1! Now I'm just trying to get the bowing right and of course trying to make my tone and sound better. I really like violin, it's fun! I used to kinda hang my head when people talked about how musical my kids are or family is. "Yeah, they get it from Corey. I'm the only one who doesn't play anything...with maybe a sheepish "I can play the piano a little bit" But really I've kinda felt sad that I was the one person who doesn't really know what's going on with music and could never help the kids. Now I know, and I'm learning more! It's really fun! I hope after a few years of learning musical stuff, that I can hold my own with these kids. And I already hold my head higher when I think of music. I am impressing myself with how much I've learned, and I'm excited to keep learning more. I'm a little late to the game, but that is okay. I can set goals and learn and hold my own. Peter is gonna learn to hold his own too. I'll try to keep up with him. I think he's going to be a famous pianist someday, cause he LOVES the piano. A few pictures of him pushing keys and buttons on Monday.
On his tippy toes! And almost dancing like a ballerina. So cute.

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