Thursday, November 28, 2019

Hosting Thanksgiving

Happy Thanksgiving! We are hosting this year -
My parents and sister Beka and her husband are joining us for the feast. 4 guests plus us = 16 table settings and one high chair. We put together our table and two banquet tables, and then some fun decorations down the middle to make it pretty!
I liked setting the table the most. And making the vegan stuffing. Daniel behaved better today during our preparation than he did last night, which was helpful. He kept Peter entertained at the piano.
Lily got Peter dressed up!
I was in charge of 3 dishes: Potatoes, stuffing, and sweet potato souffle. The souffle was super healthy, so it wasn't quite as addictive as previous years, but still wholesome and delicious. My parents arrived around 2:45, which was when I realized I hadn't cleared the driveway yet! So I ran out and my dad and I did that, then Corey and the kids got back. It worked out just right. We enjoyed a few minutes of pre-feast visiting as we did the finishing touches on the food.
And then everyone sat down and we went around the table to share some things we are grateful for.
The table from the other angle. It was fun to have us all at one long table together, rather than the adult table and the "kid" table.
I think we'll have lots of feasts like this in heaven, that's gonna be so fun for forever! Then my dad said a prayer of thanks to God for our many blessings.
Time to enjoy! Little kids loaded up with jello. Peter at the head of the table.
Ethan had a mountain of food.
Glittery pumpkins and leaves as I try to get another angle of the meal. 
After everyone was full, we visited more, then enjoyed pumpkin pies from Costco while we watched "The Fighting Preacher" My mom and dad hadn't seen it and they stayed for that, Corey and the kids headed back up to Park City around 7, and now the movie is over and I'm here with Daniel and Peter. Quiet house, going to go to bed early. It was a good day, I think we caught some of the magic that we had at our family parties from years gone by. Maybe we'll try to have festive feasts more often. 

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