Monday, November 4, 2019

Making Progress

I'm cleaning up the basement again, it's my never ending story. It's good to work down here. It's one of the few places in the house where Peter lets me put him down.
I just put him on the floor. I don't know if he climbed in the bin or if Owen put him in, but I thought it was cute. I keep an eye on him, but I do recognize that the legos are for 4+. With the toddlers helping me...
I'm proud to say that part 1 is done - the Lego area.
Here's my October 24th before pic:
I started on Oct 24th cause that was day 1 of another "Sugar Free Me" challenge with Holly and the EJC. When I say no to sugar, I say yes to cleaning and organizing my home! Or I say no to sugar, yes to violin (which I'm really enjoying practicing although I know I squeak and screech a lot on there). We had our lessons today. I'm still working on Etude. But I'm kinda getting it, which is huge. The first time I went through that song I was like "This is impossible..." but I'm getting it. It also finally clicked for me which string is which. I don't know why but I just kept confusing the G and D, I didn't know which one was which until I thought of a "GDAE" acronym (like "Good day!" haha) But now it clicked as I did the reading music thing and figured out the G strings notes are, going down, ABC! So that finally made that click. Little by little I'm progressing, I'm excited to see where I am in a year!

For the sugar free challenge, I didn't make it through Halloween un-scathed, but I did do better than I would have otherwise. Today is actually the first day I was completely sugar free, so maybe today will be my day 1, even though it's everyone else's day 12. I don't have to be perfect, I just need to make forward progress, and I'm doing that, so that's a win too! Little by little every day, over a year, becomes a lot!

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