Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Talking Teen Business

Ethan has a smart phone again. He has Corey's old smart phone. But he really really really wants an iphone. He'd like his old iphone back. And things have been much better lately. No offense to his crush last year but I think part of the reason why things are better now is cause she's off at college and out of the picture. It was not a good time, in our opinion for E to be in a relationship. And unfortunately he also lost his $1000 on New Years Eve;Day 2019. Anyway - that's a topic for another day. Today, Ethan wanted to talk about the holy grail for him - the iphone. He invited Corey and I both into his room to talk business. The suit is a nice touch, Eth.
He kinda carefully (in his opinion) moved all of Hyrum's stuff off of his desk and put it on the floor, which in my opinion was pretty rude to use someone else's desk and make a mess of their stuff instead of your own... You should have used your own desk Eth, or atleast asked permission from H. Hyrum just said "whatever..." and sighed when he saw what E had done. Hyrum is very patient with this kind of treatment, in my opinion. So Ethan invited us to sit down and presented us with a list of his accomplishments, which were many.
He lost the privilege to use his iphone in March. We took it away bought from him on March 9th. (He got a great deal.) But we are not interested in giving it back or selling it back. Probably one of the reasons that things have been better lately is because that phone is gone. I do like having Life360 on his smart phone now, so that is the only thing that makes me prefer a smart phone for E over a dumb phones, we've had to keep E on a short leash the past year, I don't think we'll need the rest of the kids to have life360 cause they tell us where they are and answer when we call, so yeah, we're okay with the current phone he is using and are not very sympathetic to is being Samsung and not Apple. We understand that it's important to him as a teenager, but it is not important in the reality in which we, his adult parents, live in. We told him we're not interested but that we will discuss it and get back to him in 48 hours. He is welcome to buy a iphone when he is paying for his own plan in college or after his mission. But it was a nice business presentation, good job E. You're about ready to go join the real world. Corey thinks it would be good for Ethan to get some college in before a mission, but Ethan is not interested in that, so we'll see what happens. We're not going to push it either way what is the next step he takes, cause he does best when he calls his own shots and does things on his own.

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