Thursday, November 14, 2019

Tippy Toes

The girls and I were admiring Peters legs and feet tonight.
He was standing up on his tippy toes as he played on the outside of the supersaucer.
I think he's got the makings for a prima ballerina.
Yes Peter, we're talking about you...
Another angle of his pointe practice.
Our little guy is 10 months old today. Time flies. I'm still nursing him, which makes this the longest I've nursed, I'm glad that I haven't lost my milk and that he isn't starving.

I have been cleaning and organizing toys, I'm going to pack most of them away to rotate. O and D haven't napped today. I'm in a bit of a funk. As usual I feel like I'm going nuts. I cleaned quite a bit, organized toys in a place where the kids haven't found them yet (outside the basement door!) This week I left the duplo legos out for the kids to play with - and this morning I was given more evidence that we probably don't need a lot of toys:
These creative kids will find stuff to use in the everyday objects we have around the house. That there is our dishwasher silverware rack which is doubling as a jail I think! Funny, cute. That can't/won't get lost, will it? I think it's big enough to not get misplaced, although my pull up bar is missing. I would have thought that that was too large to disappear too. Everyone says they didn't touch it or take it, but it's gone from the basement where I had it up in a door frame. I can't find it anywhere, wondering if the gave it away to a friend as part of a game? So weird, and I'm totally bugged. Someday, after more time has flown by, I'll have an organized home where things don't get misplaced or disappear.

Back at 11 pm - trying to get out of my "I give up" mood. I just watched a video about celebrity body transformations, I need to kick it in gear. The lazy part of me (I call that voice "Fanny") speaks up in my head saying that I don't care - I don't care about eating treats or exercising or trying to fight the disorder. But I do. I need to fight through the friction. (Corey shared that with us this week, I thought it was awesome!) But as for today, I wore ugly clothes that I don't like, ate chocolate today, haven't showered. Haven't broken a sweat for quite a while. I need to decide what I want and then fight for it.

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