Saturday, November 16, 2019

Package and Letters to Joseph

Today felt like a very busy Saturday again. I wanted to go to the temple, but we stayed up til midnight again, so I wasn't able to get up in time. If I want to go to the temple, I feel like I have to go before Corey and/or the kids are awake, so 6 am is my only option if I want to do a session. If I don't make it to that, or 7 am at the latest, then it's probably not happening, like it didn't today. It was a full day again. We sent a package to Joseph that had to be dropped off at noon, so priority this morning was making sure the kid each wrote him a letter. I got out fun stationary and stickers and my permanent markers and let the kids be creative.

This morning, after missing my temple opportunity, I went to the mouth of the canyon to get some more rocks for Joseph. And one story from that - so the rocks were sealed under the ice. Seeing the ice path made a good visual for what the sealed portion of the Book of Mormon might have looked like. There was no getting at those rocks under the ice. I went into the bushes and tried to dig about the leaves. If found some good small ones. That also made me think of the brother of Jared and the stones he used. I bet they were small.
So after I got enough rocks in my grocery sack, and I also had one big rock (I thought I might try to break it up into smaller pieces if I felt like it at home when I was getting Joseph's package ready...) I started to walk back to the car. The gate to the parking lot was closed and locked for the winter, so I had to park out on the street. I was in my own thoughts as I walked back out to the car. Then I saw a lady sitting on a rock with her bike next to her. Probably 10 years older than I am, I think. She was wearing a winter beanie hat, facing me and looking at me and the canyon behind me. I said good morning. She didn't say anything back. Ok. So then I kept walking toward her but it was a little awkward like if someone doesn't greet you on the elevator after you say hi to them. And she seemed to be looking at me. Then she made some weird kinda flinching facial expression that I thought was weird. And I thought she was looking at my bag of rocks or my big rock and was wondering what I was doing, so I did a little smile and chuckle, like "yeah, I'm weird, I'm gathering rocks...." as I looked at her, and I kept walking back to the car. So I get to the car, then she's behind me passing me on her bike, but comes over near me and says as she looks ny way as she bikes by and loudly says at me "F*** you!" So that was a surprise and kinda hurt my feelings and I have no idea what was done to offend or upset her so much to say that to a stranger whose last words to her were "Good morning" but there ya go! Those were the first words spoken to me the is morning! I was driving the same way she had taken off on her bike and I planned on just driving by and giving her plenty of space on the shoulder of the road, but she wasn't there. So I think she must have gone down into the one neighborhood. Unless!!!.... she did her act and then disappeared like a Three Nephite, but instead of going around performing miracles and kind deeds, she's like a devil person who goes around cursing people and trying to make them sad. So I sent Corey a voice message and told him what had just happened and that I didn't think it was nice. I told the kids too, with my moral of the story, which was "just don't be like that."

So back at home - the kids wrote their letters to Joseph.
I helped Owen, and as I did, we wrote his name together...
We did the O-W-E with me holding his hand with the pen, and then he said "I do it..." and he did that capital N all by himself. He was excited with this new skill!
And I realized that these boys don't color very much. Owen plays with ropes, cars, and drill bits, but has not sat to write before.
It might be because the girls are always hogging the colored pencils. It might be because I try to keep all writing instruments up high and away from little hands. (I don't want to have to clean it off the walls... see photo 7). We should probably practice this. Especially since he'll be old enough to go to kindergarten next year.
Owen wrote his name again - in the big letters around his hand.... Good job Owen!
We'll have to do this more often! So that there is the letter Owen wrote to Joseph. We left at 11:30 for pick up at 12. I took Wes with me, cause we needed to go buy him pants for his Clayton Productions uniform. But first, we dropped of Joseph's package in Draper at the IKEA parking lot. Then by Summerhays to get trumpet valve oil, and music stand, and another shoulder rest for my second violin. Next, up to North Salt Lake to get the snowblower which is now fixed, yay! We got it before the snow started this winter season. Last errand - Then to Target for Wes' pants. At home the men and boys helped move the desk hutch upstairs for what will be changed from the "study" to the "music room"! I'm excited. I put some violin wall mounts in there tonight! Now the violins will always be ready for us to use for practice!
So after a kinda nice and slow morning, the rest of the day was busy with errands. We didn't do the grocery run today cause we had already been gone too long. Good day, I wish Saturdays weren't so busy though, my goals are still to simplify. I want our family to focus on having what we need for music and what we need to function (so I'm going to still get rid of so many clothes if I can!)

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