Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Wednesday Snapshots

A few pics from today - Here's Daniel hiding from me -
We just started to potty train him last week and he's doing great with #1. He has yet to have a successful #2 in the potty,hence him hiding. You'll figure it out, buddy! There's no need to hide. But wow, think of this: once we get D potty trained, we only have one more kid in diapers!! Like, that hasn't happened since December of 2000 before Melodie was born! The diaper era could be coming to an end. (That being said, I am still crazy and still think that there might be more children in our future, and I'm not talking grandkids. But I'm trying to turn it over to the Lord.) What else. We talked with Joseph today. His mic got unplugged though when he was talking and he couldn't hear me, so I had to go over to message him and say "I can't hear you" and I knew at the time that I did that, that the rest of the time talking to him would look like this:
Cause Google hangouts is stupid (or I just don't know how to work it) cause when I try to go back the video after texting, it tells me I'm already in a video call and then, when I click "OK" (which is my only choice) it just goes back to the text chat. So that's dumb, but oh well. so my screen looked like that most of the time we talked to him. He's doing great thought and is probably going to extend his mission to July 14. One last pic of scriptures last night.
Owen in footy pajamas, also wearing Natalie's white denim jacket and sunglasses. Looking pretty cool, Owen! Owen and Daniel were deep in game tonight for like 2 hours with Sophi and Natalie leading out, it was cute to see them walking around as a little posse. I should probably get an iphone, cause my phone needs to have better photo quality.

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