Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Wasting Cologne

I had a meeting today for Relief Society here. We have it like every other week. As we met, O and D  started fighting about something. I went upstairs to stop the screaming, and could smell cologne. Owen was trying to take Corey's cologne from Daniel. They had used it like a spray bottle and wasted it all over our window, as if they were cleaning the glass. The bottle was over half full of nice smelling Eternity cologne, and now it's all gone. Stupid. They also sprayed my new scriptures that I got and hoped to keep un-kid-ruined. Just one page though. I had left it out by the couch by the window, thinking it would be a good spot to read. Luckily they didn't rip any pages (other scriptures from years past have not been so fortunate... Owen ruined a set in 2016, and Lily destroyed my childhood set in 2011 (I have several sets of ruined scriptures...) As for this one, the papers are all in tact, but the page they sprayed did wilt and some ink from my notes did bleed. I stacked some books on top of it hoping it helps it flatten out the pages, and I'll see about the ink later. Note to self - don't leave the scriptures down within toddler reach.

Owen and Daniel found the cologne last week, too. It was in toddler reach. It used to be by Corey's bathroom sink, but Corey moved it and hid it over by his night stand last month to keep it safe from Ethan who kept using it without permission and then took it without permission for a school dance. That was the last straw for Corey so he hid it. O and D found it last week and made a mess on his nightstand (more on that in a sec), so I hid it again and they found it today, again. It's kinda ironic that the cologne is all gone because Corey was trying to not let E have it. It's like what just happened here to us is what we do with Owen and Daniel when they won't share toys or whatever.... we take it away and "Neither of you get it cause you aren't sharing" That's what happened here, like God said "You aren't going to share the cologne? Fine, neither of you get it then!"

So last week they polished the nightstand, and probably got books there too, and sprayed a driving citation that one of our kids got that was there. Fun fact - cologne makes carbon paper turn black and illegible!
Thankfully the citation number was not sprayed, so I called and took a step figuring out what needs to be done for Hyrum with this. He doesn't want his older brother to know, but E, you don't read the blog, do you? I called the County Justice Court and they said I just needed to schedule his court appearance by the 27th. So I was waiting for Hyrum to get back with me about that, but then today an officer came by with a notice for Hyrum to appear in court. It's scheduled for Dec 23rd at 1 pm. And I think this is really weird to do for a speeding ticket. Not sure if it's cause it was a school zone (he was going 23 in a 20) or if it's because he's 16 and only had his license for a few months? I need to call again and ask, cause they said he can't just pay the ticket, he has to appear. So we'll see how this goes. I did tell Corey that I found it ironic that our quiet and meek Hyrum is the first one to have a court appearance - the paper the officer brought today said "State of Utah vs. Hyrum M. Wride" - like sheesh! Poor kid. Hyrum said he's scared. We'll see how it goes. Hyrum, your brothers will probably find out about this sometime, cause I do think I plan to blog about it, as it will be the first court appearance for any of our children. So, moral of the story, don't speed in a school zone, and keep things out of toddler reach. I should start to keep my room more consistently locked! If it had been locked, E wouldn't have been able to take cologne in the first place, or as a fall back it would have prevented the toddlers from making a mess in there. Yes, I will begin to keep my room locked again.

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