Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Almost Christmas Break

It's the last week of school before Christmas break, we can do this! I put new Beat the Parent Sheets up on the wall yesterday to keep us all focused and working diligently.
I got some extra points as I helped make beds. I'm giving myself a point for each bed I make, or if they make their bed they get a point too. Sophi and Natalie made their beds (+2) and I got points for making EHWA's beds. I got a kick out of these dolls that Sophi apparently carefully placed just so after making her bed.
And I know these two were just posed like this this morning, because they were smooching where Sophi's head was when she woke up. I've seen her dolls kissing before. Oct 19th - Prince Charming and Frost getting close on the desk with a rice bag for their bed.
Kinda funny. As for the music practice, Wes and Lily really stepped up to the plate last night. They both practiced for more than an hour! Wes did 90 min, Lily 62. Good job kids. If they keep that up, they will easily beat the parents.I did talk to the violin teacher and she said that would be a great experience for me to play in the violin concert on Thursday, so I'm going to do that! Eeek, stay tuned.

Peter has been so cute climbing up and down the stairs. Once again we didn't have to put up a gate, I just showed him how to kick his little legs around up at the stop step and then go down backwards,...
It is so cute to watch him!
I took a video for Mel, I'll try to upload it later. Peter is starting to really move. He doesn't like sitting still in his high chair.
Here he is making a mess as he stood up and ate his spaghetti dinner.
Aaaand last thing - the boys been rollerblading in the house. Wesley and Owen and Daniel. They are a lot slower on rollerblades than they were on bikes or the little wiggle cars, so that's nice that it doesn't make it too loud. Wes is kinda loud. Wesley taking a nap late last night....
And OWEN slept with his roller blades on ALL NIGHT. I've slept with roller blades on, once when I was a teenager. I still remember waking up and being like "WOW, that was painful!" Maybe Owen's feet are so little that it didn't hut them, but it can't be comfortable. But there he was, asleep on the floor in the front room. 
Ever since Thanksgiving break, he's been wanting to sleep in the front room, cause he slept down there on the loveseat when Mel slept on the couch over that break. We'll try to step it up over Christmas and will get a real bed or mattress or something for Mel to sleep on. We just got to finish this week and then it's the break, yay!

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