Sunday, December 15, 2019

Early Christmas

There is a family in our ward who ministers to us. (Ministering is the new name for what used to be visiting teaching and home teaching.) And they are super great. And the dad has an amazing story (As in he left his home and family in central America when he was an 8 year old kid and he somehow survived on his own and spent 7 years traveling through Mexico and came to California... When he first started to tell us his story a few months ago, when he paused, he looked at Corey, who's mouth was dropped open and Corey said "I have a thousand questions...." We want to talk to them more, and that was what we were kinda hoping for today, but instead they brought over presents! It was an early Christmas! They are so nice - they bought presents for everyone. Natalie was the one who was super excited to see that her gift was shaped like a pony!
Owen looking around -
Yee-haw! I wonder what it is!?!?!
It really was an early Christmas with the fury of tearing present open. 
Not a pony, but pretty close! And we were surprised that she was able to sit on it.
Corey said "Now the kid's know who the real Santa is! It's a short guy from Honduras!" We've been telling the kids that we're gonna try to have a little milder and more calm Christmas this year, so I'm glad the kids got this early Christmas surprise, lest they think that Santa/their parents gives them a poor showing. (There he is, the real Santa!)
Sophi was a little disappointed, cause she is the one that likes unicorns!
(I'm not worried though, cause I actually got her a big stuffed unicorn already! And I was actually worried about what I could get Natalie so that she wouldn't feel left out, so this is gonna work out perfectly!) Group picture!
Well you kids are lucky! Thank you Jose and JoAnna! That was very thoughtful and super generous! For the record - Mel got some socks, the boys got some Virtual reality goggles to share, and then Eth and Hyrum both got belts and Wes got a football. Abi got a shirt, Lily got a bird house to build, Sophi got a cute sign for her wall and a purse, Natalie the unicorn, Owen got a bouncy ball thing with a handle that you sit and bounce on, and PETER got a very cute blanket that JoAnna quilted!
So nice. I want to be nice like them. Instead I'm just grumpy about the thoughts of doing the 12 days. Is there something wrong with me? Or do I get a pass cause I have 12 kids? Jose and JoAnna just have one teenager at home, so maybe it was fun for them to get stuff for all the little kids. I like how simple the really little kids are (aka Peter). I don't think I'm going to buy him anything, and I don't think he'll be mad at me about it either.
All he wants for Christmas anyway is his two front teeth. He's been teething and is ready to bust those guys through the gums. They'll be here soon, Peter. Very grateful for such a thoughtful ministering couple who made it a memorable day for our children.

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