Sunday, December 29, 2019

Funny Filters

It was a wonderful Sabbath day. Church was great, we talked about family history and family records. It made me want to continue to blog and do better on my spiritual blog. I am almost finished reading a book about President Nelson, it's great. I'll insert the blog post link here of my favorite parts after I finish reading it. And so yeah, it was a good day. And it was fun tonight - the kids were on Corey's phone for a while, making funny faces with videos and making themselves laugh. Here are a few snapshots of the moment:
Here's Ethan speaking Ferb-Latin. I'll explain that again later.

That still shot for the video above is for when they all laughed at Daniel. And Peter got a good laugh too....
So they were on my bed for a long time, laughing and recording again and again. Ok guys, I'm glad you're having fun, but we need to go to bed.... So then they'd get up like they were wrapping it up...
But then they'd just change locations.... onto the couch we go!
Plus Mel just joined, and she wants to see what you guys were all laughing at. So it was fun. Then we did go out to the landing for family scriptures and prayer, and then they started showing the videos again - cause Wes and Hyrum didn't see!!
It was fun. I'm glad that Christmas break gives us time for fun moments of sibling bonding like this.

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