Saturday, December 28, 2019

Lunch, Dinner, and Leg Waxing

We had the annual get together this afternoon with my mom's side of the family. We took two cars down, Corey stayed home to work (cause he understandably didn't get very many hours in this week). Ethan and Hyrum stayed home too, Mel drove one the other car and so we had room for all the rest of the kids. The gathering is always at my grandparent's old Stake Center Church, so we drove by their house on our way to the church.
I wonder who lives there now. Good memories at that place. So at the church we got there shortly after lunch started.  It was a good turnout and fun. The kids brought roller blades to skate in the gym.

Wesley also put curlers in his hear last night so he could see what it is like to have curly hair, and cause he and Ethan are talking about getting perms or something?
Peter loves Wesley.
The kids all had fun, and I visited with more of my cousins and relatives than I have in previous years, so I was proud of myself for that, for trying to reach out. Usually I keep to myself and just sit with my kids, my parents, or my siblings, but I did a good job branching out this year.
My mom is the youngest (she has a fraternal twin) has 5 brothers, so I have 5 uncles and 55 living cousins on that side. There are 63 grandkids including us, 62 living. So even with most of the people not there, it's a decent sized group with all the inlaws and great-grandkids. The family I know the best is my Uncle Don. I can name all the kids in that family! But that is the only one I can do that for. Years ago I made a master list of all the cousins. With the help of that old google document, here's the order of uncles from eldest to youngest and the # of kids in each family?....
  Howard - 13 (8 from first marriage with Rosemary, 5 with Kathleen)
  Don - 8, 7 living (one stillborn)
  Lee - 15 kids
  Stephen - 6
  Lyman - 14
  Linda - 7
My aunt with the 15 kids family was there. I was reviewing in my head how Christmas went this year, and I'm also thinking of how it will be as our kids start to leave the house, so since Carol Ann has been there and done that, I thought I'd ask what she does Christmas for all her children and grandkids. She said they've tried different things over the years that worked when there weren't as many, but as of now she has  she gives each grandkid their own book so that when they leave home they will have a little library, and she doesn't do anything for her kids, other than this year she took the ones that live close by to Hale Center theater to see Seussical. Experiences, not things. That has been something that I've heard a few times recently. I think we'll try to do a little of next year. Soon lunch was over and people started to clean up tables and chairs.
So that was fun. And then tonight we went to have dinner with our high school and BYU friends - the Moon, McKays, McMurrays, and Edwards. The Scotts couldn't make it last minute. It was adults only, but I brought Peter along. The kids are all grown at their house, but they still had a small bin of toys that Dave got out for Peter.
(he's so cute.) And with that, I think all the Christmas festivities are done! Now we get to celebrate new years next week, and then it's back to school. It's been a good break so far, we'll enjoy the last few days of it. Oh, and one more funny thing from tonight. Ethan went to hang out with his friend George. They played pool or something, and George said looser had to wax his legs. He had a stack of leg wax things. Ethan lost one of the games. He had to wax. It hurt. But all the wax didn't come off, so he tried it again, and it hurt again. And there was was left on again. So THEN he thought if he left it on longer it would hlep, and then he froze it too with an ice pack, but when he went to rip it off, it was too stuck on him and so the paper just ripped off of the hard wax and left ALL the wax on his shin. He showed us the videos and is going to make a compilation for his Instagram. Melodie helped nurse him back to health and helped get wax off.
It was funny. Silly teenager. We stayed up late watching his videos and we were all laughing, I was crying with laughter again. Funny stuff.

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